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Pretty much just complaining about society...

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Pink Amulet

Witabix, it's not really even that. You can still be a nice guy, and have dirty bad ass sex :p


To the OP- If you think "by not being absorbed in this sexual obsession with women, I will attract nice girls, with good values" you are completely wrong. I am a nice girl, but if my boyfriend (even at 15 actually) was not interested in me sexually, I would quickly lose interest in him.


Sexual desire is a normal and natural part of our nature. As long as you keep your sexual morals at a level that suits you, and in certain cases your partner (eg. monogymy) you will not be considered a deviant. So calm down!

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Pink Amulet
My answer is simple. Most teen guys can't resist that kind of temptation, and that, again, is where I am different. I can say no. If i'm not interested (which I'm not), then it won't happen (until marriage, which is a completely different story that isn't even going to be discussed).


WELL! It should damn well should have been mentioned. If you are saving yourself for religious reasons then don't you dare start pointing fingers at the rest of society!!! As I said in my previous post we all have our own morals to obide by when it comes to sex, desire, and sexual interaction. If yours involve abstaining from the afore mentioned for your own moral and religious beliefs then keep them to your damn self. Don't you dare start judging others because they believe sex before marriage won't send them to hell. I have never heard anyone on LS trying to push their non-religious beliefs on to others, so don't you do the opposite.

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Witabix, it's not really even that. You can still be a nice guy, and have dirty bad ass sex :p




Feel the darkside PA!


If this is all about religion OP, thats ok too. For you. Live your life with your morals and let the others live their life with their morals. Plenty of girls agree with you (maybe). SIlver ring thing and all that.


Judge not lest ye be judged.

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By the way you were robbed in the world cup....


Up the Aussies!!


OOOOOPS! Didn't mean it like that!

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Look up platonic love and see if this applies to your situation.


Are you saying you love this girl like a sister?


There is no shame in loving in a romantic way. You are not a monster or a jerk just because you desire a women sexually. Women also love in a romantic way. That girl you love loves guys in a romantic way. If this girl liked you and wanted to kiss you would you refuse her? I think not. I think you are putting down sex because this girl does not want to be your g/f so you have denounced sex to let the world know that you do not desire a sexual relationship and are above such carnal lusts. You can see women as more than sexual objects and blah, blah. blah. News Flash!! Girls want sex just as much as guys.


Why do you think you ruined your friendship with this girl? Could it be that she knew your interest was of a sexual nature.

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Ok, this has gotten a bit too far away from the original reason I started the thread. I don't disagree with sex. After marriage, it's fine. What I disagree with is people (at least in my social setting) constantly talk about sex. (remember, I'm still in high school). People date others just because of their looks and how much they "want to get into each other pants." If you ask me, it's a bit early for that, and, rightfully so, it's making alot of people a little cautious about who they think about being in a relationship with. To put this in a less confusing way, I don't disagree with sex, but i disagree with how much it's a factor at this age. (15-16) Hopefully that will clear things up a bit.

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Ok, this has gotten a bit too far away from the original reason I started the thread. I don't disagree with sex. After marriage, it's fine. What I disagree with is people (at least in my social setting) constantly talk about sex. (remember, I'm still in high school). People date others just because of their looks and how much they "want to get into each other pants." If you ask me, it's a bit early for that, and, rightfully so, it's making alot of people a little cautious about who they think about being in a relationship with. To put this in a less confusing way, I don't disagree with sex, but i disagree with how much it's a factor at this age. (15-16) Hopefully that will clear things up a bit.


Well I would agree with oversexualising youth. I do not think any one wants to see the trend that appears to be going on at the moment continue.


Having said that 15-16 is an age at which the hormones are popping and boys and girls are curious. It is not abnormal.


As for the marriage bit, that is a personal choice for you to make.

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Yes, I agree, it is not abnormal in any way. The part that annoys me is how they show it. That is 100% their choice. They choose to show it publicly by their actions. There are more subtle options that they don't feel like taking, but they'd rather make a fool out of themselves.

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Perhaps the people you know are unable to tell what is appropriate behaviour. This is also common at this age where we start to find out who we are. Believe me in twenty years time some of these people will look back and be aghast at how they behaved and at what they said.


My son is somewhat like you, although older. He too has a different viewpoint on how to behave in public. He is much more polite and mature than most his age. Overtly sexual comments are usually inappropriate in a social setting, as is loutish behaviour.


My son is also a gentleman.

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And what BS lesson is that? The differnce between you and I is the fact that I have never tried, nor will I to get into my female friends pants.

I thought they were just friends RIDDLER....I later found out most of them wanted to hook up with me. It was skullduggery on THEIR part, not mine.

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Yes, I agree, it is not abnormal in any way. The part that annoys me is how they show it. That is 100% their choice. They choose to show it publicly by their actions. There are more subtle options that they don't feel like taking, but they'd rather make a fool out of themselves.


No, I'd say it's inexperience that results in those blatant, clumsy attempts at seduction. As you get older the techniques become more sophisticated, but the intent is the same.


I had little to no interest in sex at your age as well. That changes when you get older, IME.

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I thought they were just friends RIDDLER....I later found out most of them wanted to hook up with me. It was skullduggery on THEIR part, not mine.


I wouldn't be putting all the blame on them. My point is that some people are capable of having and maintaining a friendship with members of the opposite sex. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean that it won't work for others.

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Sexual desire at 15 is pretty strong for male guys and looking back more a curiosity for girls.


To be 15 and feel this strongly about sex as you do then just relax and not give it a thought for another 6 years when you turn 21.


For other males out there I would imagine that they are fantasizing and thinking about sex ALOT. ( at age 15 )


You need to respect that not all males at 15 feel the way you do.


If its for religious reasons or other reasons that is your own business. You may also be a-sexual , meaning you don't think about sex, don't talk about sex, don't want sex . Thats your perogative to live that life.


I however really enjoy sex. That comes from phases of life where you are single and free and desire it more. Being in a long term relationship sex can wane and diminish in cycles. Or it can be phenomenal if you are with someone who desire you twice a day :)

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...My point is that some people are capable of having and maintaining a friendship with members of the opposite sex. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean that it won't work for others.


Depends on the depth of the friendship. The closer it is toward aquaintances, the more I'd agree with you. If you're hanging out a lot though, then you must have some other feelings present. I think claiming otherwise is just ignoring human nature.

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I get the general point of the OP's rant, but I sense a bit of resentment and a deeper issue at hand here. Just because you don't have any hair on your balls yet doesn't mean the other guys who do are pricks for wanting sex. Maybe they way they go about it is crude, and I feel your frustration but the thing is..... women want sex too, they just aren't as agressive about it typically. With your attitude, your certainly won't have a problem getting friends from the opposite sex. Friends that want to use you as an emotional tampon while they are out boinking local rock stars and the captain of the football team. Trust me, you don't want that, take it from a reformed "nice guy". But hey, if sex doesn't mean anything to you, maybe this would be an ideal situation....

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Sexual desire at 15 is pretty strong for male guys and looking back more a curiosity for girls.


To be 15 and feel this strongly about sex as you do then just relax and not give it a thought for another 6 years when you turn 21.


For other males out there I would imagine that they are fantasizing and thinking about sex ALOT. ( at age 15 )


I think this shows a degree of maturity in the OP. ANd he's right that it is too highly emphasized in every day life. I agree that this is appalling. Sex is everywhere! No longer something intimate between a couple.


You need to respect that not all males at 15 feel the way you do.


If its for religious reasons or other reasons that is your own business. You may also be a-sexual , meaning you don't think about sex, don't talk about sex, don't want sex . Thats your perogative to live that life.


I however really enjoy sex. That comes from phases of life where you are single and free and desire it more. Being in a long term relationship sex can wane and diminish in cycles. Or it can be phenomenal if you are with someone who desire you twice a day :)



Great post Mary3!

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Depends on the depth of the friendship. The closer it is toward aquaintances, the more I'd agree with you. If you're hanging out a lot though, then you must have some other feelings present. I think claiming otherwise is just ignoring human nature.


From my own personal experience of this I am with Johan completely.


Acquaintance = cool and fun.


Hanging out = dodgy and dangerous.

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Hanging out = dodgy and dangerous.


Are you saying that just by hanging out with a member of the opposite sex that at least one of the two is thinking about sex? Because I can tell you that is not necessarily true. I have been been best friends with a girl for about 10 years now and we hang out all the time, but I don't think about having sex with her. First sex ruins intimate relationships, now friendships??? What's this world coming to?

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...What's this world coming to?


Ha ha. It came to this long long ago. Welcome to the world of adult relationships.

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bm with the greatest respect......


You have not been hanging out with anyone.


Being friends with a girl from the age of five to the age of fifteen is a BIG difference from being friends with a woman from the age of thirty five to forty five. Please believe me, I do not mean to belittle you or your experience of life, it is as valid as mine. I have had a little more time to experience it that is all.


I speak of of adult relationships, not through childhood.


It is a dangerous thing to do. People get confused and partners get hurt. I assume you have not had a partner and neither has your female friend.

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Depends on the depth of the friendship. The closer it is toward aquaintances, the more I'd agree with you. If you're hanging out a lot though, then you must have some other feelings present. I think claiming otherwise is just ignoring human nature.


I agree that if you were to hang out with one far more then any other friends, then there may be something going on. It also depends on how you act and how you talk around them and what you say. I talk to my female friends completely different then how I talk to my GF. I treat my female friends just like any of my other male friends, so it is possible to have a friendship with a member of the opposite sex.

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