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Is it time to be more aggresive?

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Ok I have been debating over this the last few weeks and it gets harder and harder to decide if i should start being more aggresive in the progression of our relationship.


I am 19, she is 24. We always talk a lot and have a blast at work, I always seem to make her laugh a lot and same with her, I even notice her just start bursting out laughing by how i react to stuff she will say. Whenever I am working on something or trying to show her something she leans in REALLY close, like our clothes touching each other, and i have noticed she has been progressively getting closer lately. She will hit me all the time playing around but ive noticed she does that to several other people at work. Our relationship has been completely at work but I want to change that. She is the type of tradition girl I think would not ask a guy out or try to intiate it so thats why I am thinking I need to make the step. I really like her personality and she is a great person. Last week we were talking about Six Flags( a theme park) and I said we should go sometime just to see the reaction and then she said ya we should go as a department sometime. This started to make me think she didnt like the idea of us going alone. Today the topic of Six Flags came back up and she suggested we go sometime this week, I am not sure how sincere she was though.


I cant decide what to do, I want to act on it so bad I just dont want to make things weird at work. She always smiles when we talk and I smile back and always look each other in the eyes. Anyone have any advice?



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It's usually a bad idea to go out with someone you work with. If things don't work out it can get pretty uncomfortable.

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Spill your guts and see what happens. If it doesn't work out, find another job. There is no wussy way of doing it. Do it, and see the true reaction. If she likes you, great, if not, move on.

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