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If a girl says…

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…that a guy is ‘all about the love’ as a reason for not going out with that guy, what would you say this means? My own conclusion is that the girl is afraid because the guy wants more than just a random fling but wondered what you guys think? Also, this girl isn’t 17 yet so I wondered if her attitude towards relationships and love might change as she gets older (as in a natural sort of change) or if it might depend on individual life experiences or if it would remain the same? I thought about that since I know my own attitude towards relationships has changed considerably since I was her age (I am 18). And if it does change, would a guy who was ‘all about the love’ become a more attractive prospect?


Any comments would be really appreciated.

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One thing that girls who don't want to go out with you (or a given guy, whatever) will do is say something nice-sounding instead of just leaving it at the reality--which is that they are not interested in that guy romantically.

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