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I've been dating a guy for about 20 months. He's 52, I'm 40. By all indications, we're each other's soul-mate and are EXTREMELY happy together. We got engaged right before Christmas of 2005, but he is completely uninterested in discussing when we'll be married. I didn't push things in the beginning, because I don't work in the summer and I just assumed that we'd be married then. But summer is half over now and he becomes agitated if I bring up the issue and just tells me he's sorry that he's not adhering to my "schedule". He has never given me any reason about why he won't discuss it or anything...he just won't discuss it. It's not like we're going to have a wedding or it's going to cost lots of money. It will be private and virtually "cost-free". I have a young daughter and I don't want to set the example for her that it's okay to have relationships with men indefinitely with no real sign of commitment. I'd like to know how long is reasonable to stay with a guy when he doesn't seem inclined to get married right away and it is important to me.

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