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Has anyone been given a second chance?

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Hi all,


posted this in seperation and divorce...prob he wrong area:confused:


I was just wondering if anyone has heard any success stories on LS?


What I mean is, married couples seperating, then getting back together.


I have not found any, but know it is possible.


I still maintain hope my marriage will one day get back on track.... don't know when... but I still hope. I still have not given up hope.


Some thoughts?

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There have been many success stories. The chances of success depend on just how far things have gone. If your situation worsened over a period of time, there's a point where people's spirit just let's go and finishes with the deal.


If you and your husband haven't gotten to that point, if there's an ounce of love and desire for the marriage still there, go to a QUALIFIED, COMPETENT AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED therapist or councellor in your area for help. Some are better than others. A good therapist can help the two of you devise a course of healing that can put life back into your marriage. The important ingredient is the BOTH of you must desire the marriage to work.


Some people on this forum recommend http://www.marriagebuilders.com for good pointers.


Otherwise, a therapist can also help the two of you bring this mess to a peaceful conclusion if it's determined that the pain and hurt and terminally destroyed the union.


People do put it back together everyday...if they have the mutual desire.

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I'm actually a guy...but how would you know..;)


My story is actually posted on seperation and divorce....


My wife seems to be the classic WAW....


The profile fits.. She wants a seperation and to sell the house...etc


We still live together until the house sells... She has/ well seems to have warmed up a bit, but I have learned to have no expectations...


Thanks for the info on marriage builders... been there and found it to be a big help.


Its just nice to have a responce from a living breathing person...


Thx again.

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My parents seperated for a few months about 14 years ago. Their marriage is better than ever and still going strong...


Good Luck!

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