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The Ex Is Back....Or Is It Just An Illusion?

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Just got back together with my ex girlfriend and although I am happy to be back with her, I'm still worried that she might cheat again (she went for the BBD the first time but then came back to me crying for a second chance, I played the everybody is entitled to one mistake game, he was just a rebound and I could tell she was happier with me than she was with him, they were never that serious). Before I stick my neck out too far, what signs will she exhibit or what should I look for or ask to ensure that she has in fact dumped this other person like she says she's going to and to also ensure I won't get a kick to the gut again.

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wait so she dumped you and went out with another guy?? and then came crying back to you? i think thats what you're saying...

in any event, if she seems happier with you then thats a good sign. i would still be a bit on the edge like you are just don't get too far into it. look for obvious signs, like if you can get a look at her cell phone see if shes been calling him or vice versa. if you guys spend a good amount of time with eachother, especially on holidays.. like july 4th, then chances are shes not dating him.

i don't know what kind of person she is but if you know of any of her past and you think she might do this then definately check into it. i need more information to help you out though. how long have you guys been dating? do you know the guy? any way to find things out about him??

well good luck so far.

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Personally I think if she has left you once, she is likely to do it again. Why did she leave in the first place? Why has she come back? You really need to understand the answers to those questions. What makes you think she won't leave you for the next guy that comes along that she perceives as more exciting and better than you? You obviously still really like her or you would not have taken her back, but I suggest that you should be careful with your emotions.

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Signs: How often does she go out. When she's on the phone is she around you or avoiding you. If you see her phone check for one letter names or odd girl names: Like Ruby for Ruben, Elisia for Edward and so forth. When you call her does she rush you off. When she meets with you, is she tired, or is her hair or make up out of place...


My ex was great at these things and that's why I dumpped her A@#!!!


Dude don't let her play you again...Be firm and she how she reacts....;)

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