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im dying from my inside

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well i have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, our first year was wonderful and i thiught he was the perfect guy. close to our first year i discovered the real him he changed alot and it hurt me so much. close to our second year i broke up with him, but having to see him everyday in school was so hard and uncomfterble. we ended getting back together a week after, and everything was cool. Four months after i found out about him cheating on me actually having sex with someone else that killed my inside till todays date im still hurt and cant get over it. that whole year he kept on doing it dating diffrent girls behind my back. like 3 months ago i started listenin in his voice mail all this kinds of girls calling him and he will deny them until like a month ago i was about to break up with him and he confesed everything and promised he will change i know he isnt but i love him so much i really dont know what to do i really need help he enjoys going out so much and i just wait in my room to see at what time will he call this is every friday saturday and sunday or probably other days too but this are the ones i know for sure. i really need help and need to know what to do.

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Get some respect. :(


close to our first year i discovered the real him he changed alot and it hurt me so much.


What do you mean by this?

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if he only promised because he got caught, he may not change very easily, if at all.


instead of asking yourself if you can believe that he will stop cheating on you, think about whether you even want to be in a relationship with someone who, without a doubt, has already cheated on you.

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well i mean he change because when i met him he was the nicest sweetest person ever i never thought he will be this mean to me.

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if he only promised because he got caught, he may not change very easily, if at all.


An excellent point.

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well i mean he change because when i met him he was the nicest sweetest person ever i never thought he will be this mean to me.


What were the first signs?

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his first signs were like him wanting more time alone and going out alot and avoiding me.

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Okay. I feel for you, believe me!, but I think you need to really listen to what MarnieGirl has said.


I think you deserve MUCH more than you are getting.

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You keep hurting because you keep staying with him? If your man is doing this you need to just get out...why stay with someone like this? I know its hard because you have feelings for him, but once you heal and move one you won't even think twice about this fool


He doesn't love you, Move on I'm sorry I know how painful it is..

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