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I work with a bunch of meanies

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Hi all,


Here's my dilemma, I've just started a new job and before I started working there I booked a vacation for two days. My boss recently told me that I could take that weekend off provided that I find someone to work for me first. I've gone through all the emploees and most said no with the expection of two maybes. One of the maybes was a person I went out of my way to fill in for recenlty and was suprised when they didn't jump in to help me. I wanted to know how can I convince this person to fill in for me. Any ideas...should I make them feel guilty.... If I don't go I lose lots of money on the vacation and could get fired if I don't show up for work. Who's been in this situation? How do I get them to give up one weekend out of the whole year for me? What do I say to the boss?



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Welcome to the world of adulthood. This is a tough time as everyone is taking vacations. You took the job predicated on finding someone. Bad move. If I hired you, I would have said start AFTER the vacation.


They are not "meanies" because they cannot swap time with you. People have other committments--just like you have your vacation.


I say keep plugging and hope someone steps up for you. If not, ask the boss what to do--explain that you have filled in for others and no one is able (don't use the word willing or meanies) to cover you. What can be done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i say screw the meanies i do not like meanies, they are mean!!!!!!!! ;)

buy ya i would have said at time of hire i have this vacation planned, then they could started ya after or something, but so i dont know what to do, i just got fired for going to a funeral so i am sure you will lose your job if you go, weigh out pros and cons, how much money will you lose on vacation, how much on finding new job and stuff, ya know but all i know is

meanies will get theirs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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