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Will He Come Back???


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Hi. I'm new on here, but I was hoping you all could help me out. My boyfriend and I of 3 years split up a couple of days ago. I graduated from college about two months ago and had to move two hours away from him. It's hard to spend time together because he gets off of work really late and the sex? Forget about it. He still lives with his family and I live with one of my sorority sisters so we have sex maybe once a week now. I haven't found a job yet, so I've been spending all of his money and this has led to a lot of arguments. So it got really hard and he cheated on me about a month ago. I broke it off, but he kept begging me to take him back and said he was drunk and it was a horrible mistake. We had been planning to move in together so I believed it was just a mistake. So I told him we'd hang out and see how it goes, nothing too serious. Earlier in the week I asked him if he wanted to see other people and he said no. He asked me and in my attempt to keep an open and honest relationship I said that at times I think about it, but I'd obviously rather work things out with him. He then said that he actually wants to see other people and said it's over and stormed out. Hasn't really talked to me since, except to tell me it's over and I just need to let it go.


I don't know if he's serious about this or if he's angry because the night before he told me he wants to spend his life with me and the next morning I basically say I'm curious to see what's out there. I just feel awful because I really do love him and I didn't actually mean to say that I want to see someone. I want him more than anything. Do you think he'll come back or be with this new girl he's seeing??

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The 'place and times' a r/s recovers or ends,n down, beginnings of showing to you no real significant value, well because you keep going back to the one who cares.


In my case, I was over the top, and basically just there. This gets me where it hurts, but realized 'they don't allow' who they want, and for all to see. Then this... Especially if you're not looking your best! T shirts and tennis shoes? then again, can't say I expected more and why? outdone.


Its' basically a tried and true relevance when the r/s hits the skids, and 'one' comes back to say...Let's be friends. In my case I knodded my head, but really, the outcome is conclusive. In other words, it is just a mere way to say good bye, and hold no upkeep date that hey'll be back, for a drink to share memories, or skip the morals and let's keep up the pretenses while I'll get free recognition, ect. YOu know charge it! In many regards this is a sad ending, usually for the one that feels lack of better judgement or kind hearted enough to let the user use more. As the other idiot claims love to another for his own justifications.


Regardless how you receive it or not. The r/s as you knew it never got off the 'ground' never initiated permanency, or anything other than what you could supply for the needy or sexually. My friend or so called, reacted to such measures, and I foolishly reciprocated, as he led me down a road of violence and BS. He appears to outcasts those that no longer find a place in the sun. He jumps on these victims, and apparently survives quite well because of it. I will not say that we are all parley to these skeems but in my case, he used, lied, and continually cheats and dosing all females with disease.


I am soo happy to say, we finally broke up. Sadly with my beaten outlook, [he is a proud man!] and that nothing will ever recover my feelings for his BS ever again. He is a user of women, always will be so the "love' word is just that. He is incapable.


I am ashamed to say I didn't heed to the ongoing warnings, but now I have and regardless, am once and for all, glad to see him go elsewhere and for good.


Yeah, I can say he is gone. But there were the moments, and that too was nothing of a farce, and relatively he just binded his time until he found another to 'sort' all this out for him 'good' intent.


I warn others, take warning of the signs, or he and his new girl will beat it up to death and laugh the hell out of it.


Don't to blame yourself! I tried but the few and proud were unmentionables.

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I think you need to do the NC approach. With my ex of now two weeks previously together for over a year and a half I tried that. The first night and day I was very successful. I didn't contact him and then after his softball game that I would normally be at, I was not there and he started texting me. I was with a friend and had the encouragement to not reply for a while and to answer very coldly. After this night I wanted him back even worse so I started texting him and broke the NC thing, and he started losing interest in me. I backed up and assessed the situation a couple of days ago, and I"m trying to be strong. If he texts my goal is to make the replies few and far between. He strung me along and now it's my turn.


I hope everything works out for you and TRUST ME I totally feel your pain!



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