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how to call a girl you like

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There is this girl I like and I cant figure out what to say to her when I talk to her so if anyone can help I am really in need of it:love:

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Do you talk to her at all? I mean, is it just when you call her that you have an issue with talking to her? Are you two friends?


Anyway, if you don't really know her that well, and are wanting to start a conversation with her, then I suggest you find out what she likes and just bring something up. Or if you are in class together (I am assuming you are younger and know her from school), then ask her to borrow her notes, or a pen, paper, etc. Or after/before class, ask her if she understands what is going on (i.e. if you are in algebra, ask her if she understands a certain formula, or what-have-you), because you don't (even if you do).


If you are friends, and you are having issues talking on the phone, then I don't know what to tell you, because I myself don't really care for the phone. Just call her, and ask her to do something instead of chatting it up over the phone.

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If you have her email, send her a message about something she likes, sort of along the lines of: " i heard you talking about the book you were writing last night at the party, and I'd love to hear more when you have time to share." Find some common ground and then open up the lines of communication that way.

if she responds, then email again, and say: are you free Friday night? I'd love to catch up, we could go for coffee.


I am a 'hard to get' girl, and I never answer the phone when guys call. I usually don't even give them my number. I ask their email and email first.

So, that is how I am coaxed into a "date", by something nonchalant, and non-threatening.


The phone is still a big step, especially in the beginning. There is not much to say when you are not face to face. Try to initiate a date, and then talk when you are together. But ask her about herself a lot, and be true to yourself.

Good luck sweetie!

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