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I love him..Does he love me?

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I've never told him that I love him. We've been best friends since the day we met 2 years ago it seems. About 5 or 6 months ago we became intimate and things are still going great. Ican't stop thinking about him. It's like we're still the best friends that we've always been but we also get to share something that most "friends" don't. I've loved him forever, like a friend, like a brother, like a lover, and so much more. He hasn't seen a girl since us and he tells me that "us" will be forever. Will it? There is so much I long to tell him. That I need him and want him, that I miss his touch the second he leaves, that I dream about him, that I LOVE him. Should I tell him. Is it too soon? Will he reject what I have to say? Does he love me? Help me please.



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I've never told him that I love him. We've been best friends since the day we met 2 years ago it seems. About 5 or 6 months ago we became intimate and things are still going great. Ican't stop thinking about him. It's like we're still the best friends that we've always been but we also get to share something that most "friends" don't. I've loved him forever, like a friend, like a brother, like a lover, and so much more. He hasn't seen a girl since us and he tells me that "us" will be forever. Will it? There is so much I long to tell him. That I need him and want him, that I miss his touch the second he leaves, that I dream about him, that I LOVE him. Should I tell him. Is it too soon? Will he reject what I have to say? Does he love me? Help me please. THANKS

Oh for crying out loud, tell him already :) If your friendship is to the extent you make it sound like, you have an open level of communication between the two of you and regardless of whether or not he shares your feelings (although he probably does) I'm sure he will respect them and this will not destroy the relationship. In my opinion, the good that could come of this definately outweights the bad. If you never tell him, he may never be sure. And that would be the greatest loss.


Best wishes,



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I sincerely agree!!! Go for it! Don't hesitate a second longer. If your worried about embarressment, don't be! It will be over sooner then you think. I doubt will even happen. Since the way you say it, it sounds as if he love you just as much. All you have to lose is the chance for love if you don't tell him. SO DO IT!


Have fun you two love birds.



Oh for crying out loud, tell him already :) If your friendship is to the extent you make it sound like, you have an open level of communication between the two of you and regardless of whether or not he shares your feelings (although he probably does) I'm sure he will respect them and this will not destroy the relationship. In my opinion, the good that could come of this definately outweights the bad. If you never tell him, he may never be sure. And that would be the greatest loss. Best wishes, LoveAngel
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I sincerely agree!!! Go for it! Don't hesitate a second longer. If your worried about embarressment, don't be! It will be over sooner then you think. I doubt will even happen. Since the way you say it, it sounds as if he love you just as much. All you have to lose is the chance for love if you don't tell him. SO DO IT! Have fun you two love birds. Zerodhero Go 4 it! I went through almost the same experience as you a while back; we were the best of friends for a long time when I realized I was in love with him. I thought long and hard about telling him before I actually did, then it was like a great burden lifted. I was elated to find out that he was in love with me as well. You should let him know how you feel, you might be surprised. GOOD LUCK!
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