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Is it really important to have kids??

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I seriously do not want kids, already decided, not for me and I don't have patience at all. Then you keep hearing that the goal of any marriage is kids, but I want none. Are there happy couples who are childless, that out of chose, neither of them wanted kids??

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Of course there are. Many couples choose to not have kids.

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you don't need to do something cause people do, there are tons of happy childfree couples that don't regret it at all (my husbands great aunt and uncle say they wouldn't trade what they did for a kid anyday)

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there are quite a few threads on this. you should read them; they're pretty helpful, and it will show you that children are certainly not the goal of every marriage, nor should they be.

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People who don't want to have kids shouldn't have them. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Instead be proud that you know what you want/don't want and don't worry about what other people think.

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Well I wish more women in this world were like you. I don't know if it's just me or is it really hard to find women who do not want kids? I am sure I don't want any myself. I don't want that kind of responsibility. My ex was undecided about having kids but I wonder if I should go back to her since she might be one of those rare women who don't want kids.

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Kids are for only for those who want them, just as anything else. Trust me, as a mother, this is a job only for those who really want the job!! It is very sad and unfair to see people having children who don't want them and then mistreating them, and believe me, kids know when they are not wanted!!

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my husband and i have been married for 9 years and no kids. We love our life. People have judged me for it and some seem jealous. Do what makes you happy.

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I second Timsfool! We were childless for 9 years and got all the questions. I'm sorry, it's no one's business. Having children is the hardest thing in the world and it is not right for all. You don't have to apologize for your choices to anyone on the planet. Period.


There's nothing better than being an aunt, though. You can play with them, have them adore you for spoiling them rotten, and give them back for all the hard part. :D


Or not.:cool:

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the two of you should do what ever makes you happy. if you choose now not to have kids and then years later change your mind, its still a do-able thing as long as you thats what you both want to.


lots of us have children before marriage or right after because we either really wanted children that much or we didnt really decide or it just happened with or without protection anyways. it doesnt mean we love our spouses any less, but it really does make being married even harder because we cant get alone time that often or get away on trips or even do half the things we had hoped to do with our spouse.


i love my children with all my heart, but it would be nice to have a little more time with my sweetheart and a little less time running kids to drs and baseball and potty training.


i know lots of couples that didnt have children because of various different reasons and they all seem very happy. i bet they go thru lots of questions from people all the time. one lady just says that they never planned to or not to have them that if it was meant to be, then one day it would happen.

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Oops. Sorry, that's Tim'sangel! Please forgive. Guess it's that you look like a fool in love with Tim the angel, if that's you and Tim in your avatar.


My kids are now 14 and 17 and they're terrific human beings, but I remember being resentful that my life had been so horribly curtailed by them in ways I couldn't imagine before having them.


Of course, they have brought joy I couldn't have begun to have imagined either.


Hang in there, penkitten; it does get a bit easier as they get older.

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I second Timsfool!



:lmao: :lmao:


I thought you were just saying you agreed with me and stillafool and combined us into one!! :lmao:


Tim is my SO, and he calls me his angel, hence Tim'sAngel!! That lil guy in avvie with me is "Angel'sAngel"!! :laugh:

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Do not have children if you don't want them.


There are a lot of childfree organizations out there like No Kidding. Look it up on google and do some reading.


I've been on some childfree boards (my SO and I do not have children, by choice) and some of the stuff people say about kids and parents is nasty. Don't let that get to you too much. Those are the minority. Most people who don't have kids don't hate kids and parents, they just don't want the lifestyle. They are perfectly ordinary people, going about their lives and enjoying their freedoms and hobbies.


Some fundamentalist religious types will swear up and down and sideways that you are 'unnatural' if you don't want kids and that is God's order every woman should be dropping babies until she falls over from exhaustion. I really hate those bible thumper types. I can't believe God would want any unwanted children to be brought into this world by people who end up resenting them. Also, the 'go forth and multiply' thing was said many centuries ago when the world was far less populated.


You should follow your heart and create the life you want to live.


One of my SO's friends wives told me at a BBQ a month ago that she is soooo glad her kids are growing up and almost ready to move out of the house. She put all her dreams on hold to raise them. She loves them very much but says she had no CLUE what raising kids was about when she had them.

She said it's so much harder than you ever imagine and you find your entire life really changes. It all becomes about the kids. She told me she wasn't even looking forward to being a grandmother someday because she wanted no more to do with babies, ever!!!!


There are other people who really love being around babies and kids. They enjoy the whole process.


So you have to be true to who you are and make choices accordingly. Good luck

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Do not have children if you don't want them.




Some fundamentalist religious types will swear up and down and sideways that you are 'unnatural' if you don't want kids and that is God's order every woman should be dropping babies until she falls over from exhaustion.



:laugh::D:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh this is so funny!!! LOL LOL LOL

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