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how do you know if your partner is telling the truth or not? sometimes i don't think my boyfriend is being straight with me. like the other day he told me he was going to wear his blue dress socks to work and when he came home from work i saw he was wearing his black dress socks. and just last week there was some spilled milk on the counter and he said he'd clean it up with some paper towel but i later checked and he had used a dinner napkin instead. can he be trusted? is he verging on being a compulsive liar? should i be concerned?

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This is a joke right... see who would bite?.


I would say he's the biggest liar I've ever seen, what a prick, what a complete schmuck. DON'T you dare trust him... trust this guy with your life and he may just put in a 70W bulb instead of 100W, that'd really screw with your eyes... be concerned, very.

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Your boyfriend may have cognitive problems due to serious brain dysfunction. Has he ever suffered a strong blow to the head? Is he on illicit drugs or mind altering medication?


Mistaking one thing for another when either is perfectly acceptable is certainly due to a problem with the brain...a memeory problem...or he may have just changed his mind.


In the case of the socks, he may be color blind or the light in his room may have been such that he couldn't tell the colors.


He could be passive aggressive and have a desire to piss you off, since you get upset very very easily, by changing colors of things on you without telling.


In the case of the spilled milk, a dinner napkin may have been more available at the time.


You should discuss this stuff with him. He may be totally unaware that his girlfriend is so easy to become troubled by trivial matters.

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Wow ... and I thought a guy shouldn't be trusted if he was cheating with another woman. Now I know. From now on I'm going to buy nothing but black socks and paper towels for all my future boyfriends.

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"paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me...."


oh, sorry. just had "flagpole sitter" blaring from my winamp. actually, that's a lie. i had real player on.


this guy is definitely a compulsive liar. pathological even. don't trust him. he'd be the kind of guy who would say he's going to mow the lawn, but would start doing the edges first. that's just not on.


p.s. was he even at work???? see! you can only take his word for it right?

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