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There's bold truth ("i want out of this relationship"). There's even bolder (and ruder) " I've had it with your crazy stuff; you're a loser" and then there's tack ("I'm sorry, I wish it could be different but i need other things that i'm not getting in this relationship"). I always vote for tact. And if i had to choose, although few of us ever get to, i'd choose to bet the leaver rather than left although they both hurt if there was any love between you.


How about that classic, old, generic, subjective, understood, denied, undeniable, subject to interpretention.


So do you think honesty is the best policy for everything/everyone in every social??

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Push Comes to Shove

Honestly, you can sugar coat everything you want, and true, at times people don't want to hear the truth anyway, but when you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning..


It is only your own eyes that you see and not anybody else's through that mirror.


So whatever you do, do it because you want to, because sometimes, no matter what, be honest. And Being Honest does not mean being harsh or mean or rude, it just means being honest.


Nice Guy



There's bold truth ("i want out of this relationship"). There's even bolder (and ruder) " I've had it with your crazy stuff; you're a loser" and then there's tack ("I'm sorry, I wish it could be different but i need other things that i'm not getting in this relationship"). I always vote for tact. And if i had to choose, although few of us ever get to, i'd choose to bet the leaver rather than left although they both hurt if there was any love between you. How about that classic, old, generic, subjective, understood, denied, undeniable, subject to interpretention.


So do you think honesty is the best policy for everything/everyone in every social??

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Breaking off a relationship in a kind and loving way is the best way. However, part of that process is a debriefing in which each tells the other just how they feel and what has bugged them. The purpose of this part of the break-up is hopefully so each will learn for the future. This wouldn't be necessary if communication had been effective along the way.


I don't think it serves any purpose to be nasty or gratuitously mean when you can part in a civil manner.


Very often we feel so hurt and so abused we want to break things off in a nasty way. I can't blame many for doing that. If someone has gone out of their way to make life miserable and has been very abusive in the relationship, in that case I say be straight, honest and hold nothing back. That will be part of the healing process.


Actions have consequences. Breaking up in a nasty way burns bridges that may be needed for some purpose in the future.

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