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She puts him on a similar standad as me

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I hope you can help me.


I lead a long and good relationship now. There are no large differences between her and me. I´m only worriyng about her best friend. She´s hanging around with him when i´m not with her. Through the week, we do not see each other very much ´cause I work in the night and have my leisure time through the day and she has to work during the afternoon.

When I try to call her at home I only always get the answer that she stays at his place. That´s means she is sleeping with him in the same bed and she´s hugging him.

When we´re going together out she gives him sometimes little huggs and peaks. I have no problem in general with him. But that she´s using the same nice names for him is a problem for me. Not has it brought me very much to talk about it. She has judged down it to be considerable. It also has surprised me that I have got to know him correctly after three months. Befor that I saw him once for 2 minutes. The other times she told me a lot about him. I had to arrange a meeting by myself.


How shall I handle this situation?

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Are you out of your mind? If the roles were reversed do you think your girlfriend would be accepting of you staying over all the time with your female friend and sleeping in the same bed with her and giving her hugs and pecks?


Good Lord man what in the hell are you thinking? This is so highly disrespectful of you and your relationship that it is beyond comprehension. This is an absolute deal breaker. If they are sleeping in the same bed then the chances are great that are probably sleeping together now and in the future. I am just amazed that you would put up with such disrespect and humiliation from her. You would have to be in major denial not to see how disrespectful this is to you and how demeaning this is to your relationship. A relationship consists of two and not three people. Please open your eyes and realize the message she is sending you loud and clear. Why are you putting up with such behavior and settling for such disrespect toward youi. You deserve better than this my friend. A girlfriend does not stay over a male friend's place and sleep in the same bed night after night. If she and you cannot comprehend this then I do not know what else to say. I wish you luck because you are being played big time.

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This is just wrong in every way.


Tell her you plan on having sleep overs with a female friend and see how well she likes that.

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How shall I handle this situation?


Run - don't walk, run - away and do it NOW.

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Your kinky girlfriend has two, possibly more, relationships going on at once.


If that turns you on, then go for it. Otherwise, wisen up and move on (not now, but when you hit that all time low of pure humiliation...like when U see her banging him silly in your bed)

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Sal Paradise
When I try to call her at home I only always get the answer that she stays at his place. That´s means she is sleeping with him in the same bed and she´s hugging him.


I’d be worried to (that goes without saying). There’s a 99% chance she is sleeping (as in having sex) with this guy. How long have you been putting up with this behavior? And why on earth would you allow her to do this to you? You seem like a nice guy (too nice) you shouldn’t have any problems finding a better girl than her (that wouldn’t take much). You can’t be so naïve that you actually believed for one minute that nothing sexual was going on between them.


And even if they’re not having sex in the bed (almost zero chance that they’re not) she has no business sleeping in his bed or even staying at his place. What on earth are you thinking by allowing her to do this while you see her? Leave her before you end up knocking her up and being attached to her financially for the rest of your life.


When we´re going together out she gives him sometimes little huggs and peaks.


That’s way out of line. She is disrespecting you right in front of your face. They probably laugh at you while they’re laying bed right after a good shag (I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just the truth).


I have no problem in general with him.


That’s part of the problem, you’re way too nice. I’d have problems with him. I’d have a huge problem of not being able to keep my fist from hitting his face.


But that she´s using the same nice names for him is a problem for me.


That’s is pretty damn low. I feel bad for you. You need to put an end to this relationship. Stand up for yourself.


Not has it brought me very much to talk about it. She has judged down it to be considerable.




Is English your first language? This didn’t make any sense.



How shall I handle this situation?


Break up with her. You can’t stay with her.


If you insist on staying with her you must demand that she not spend any more time with this friend. She has to end the friendship completely. Its either him or you.


I wouldn’t do that though. I’d dump her and find a real woman.

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This is crazy -- who cares if she's not banging him, she's sleeping with him...


She is not your girlfriend.

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Throwing in my 2 cents..


She having sex with the other guy. Then she parades him around in front of you. Basically she's dating the "friend" and you're her extra emotional and financial support. You're being duped, fooled, conned, taken advantage of, used.


Leave her. Dump her. Get out. Run. Don't ever look back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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