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boyfriend's best female friend

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Hi guys! i could really use some advice about this issue that's been bugging me for a while now. i've been in a relationship w/my man for about 5 years now...we met at work and around the same time we met he also befriended another one of his coworkers who is female as well. so during this time they've grown to become best friends and would have lunch with each other just about every day, hang out once in a while etc and that was ok b/c she had a fiance at the time....thing is...she would always complain to my b/friend about the problems she was having w/her fiance and he'd confide in me and tell me all about it. i guess i was wondering if this sort of friendship is 'normal'?? i really dont have any reason to not trust my b/friend but it seems that the few times that we've all hung out in a group she's always seemed weird or stand offish w/me so i guess that didn't help LOL just wondering if there's anything i should be concerned about

thanks! ;)

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If your boyfriend is sheepish and feminine, it's not that big of a deal. If he is more of a charmer/player, then you may have a right to be concerned.


Men aren't sex machines and not all men just want sex from females. That said, if you find yourself strangely attracted to bad boys, then the problem lies within.

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