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Is this worth worrying about?

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Back to fat girls: I do indeed tell girls that they are fat, even when they are not. Why? I don't know. I think it's funny. (I don't do this to vulnerable ones b/c I'm careful to not harm a person's self-esteem) But, most of the women I talk to are fine...


:eek: I can't believe you!! That's so slack! Doesn't matter whether they're fine about it or not, you still have no right to say it!


How old are you anyway?

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:):love: I'm soooooo happy for you!! Sydney? I only live like an hour away from Sydney! I'll come see you! (Jokes!)


And in a way (a very warped way) it's a good thing cos it shows just how much you care for this girl.


Well, not much else to say except GOOD BLOODY LUCK!!! :)


All the best, keep us posted!

Errm, I've changed my mind. I have decided that this is not the right time to propose. So I won't be taking the ring to Sydney, just in case I get swept away in the moment.... Im a bit sad about it to be honest, but I know its never a good idea to rush things. If this is the right girl, waiting a little longer is not going to hurt.

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:eek: I can't believe you!! That's so slack! Doesn't matter whether they're fine about it or not, you still have no right to say it!


How old are you anyway?


Who are you to claim what is right and wrong?


In my country, I can call anyone fat. It's protected by the 1st amendment of our Constitution (a work of genius, really).


What country are you from, chick?

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Errm, I've changed my mind. I have decided that this is not the right time to propose. So I won't be taking the ring to Sydney, just in case I get swept away in the moment.... Im a bit sad about it to be honest, but I know its never a good idea to rush things. If this is the right girl, waiting a little longer is not going to hurt.


Aww, this is such a shame.


But if your gut instincts are saying wait, then it's probably best...


I do wish you all the best though, and I really , genuinely hope this works out between you both!


Keep us posted! :love:

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I always like your points Spectre. First she is Dutch born, and now lives in Australia, but has only been here since March this year. So her cultural characteristics are 100% dutch, and I doubt that they will ever disappear.


man, common sense and compassion arent unique to this country. Again, I'd be concerned if she doesnt know doing that isnt right, what else doesnt she think is right? sleeping with other guys? 3somes in the park? I just find it hard to believe she'd be naive enough to think that was an ok thing to say *shrug*

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I'm really interested to see how people feel about this, and I don't normally share this kind of information, but I'm getting into all this sharing/caring on the board :)


Warning: slightly graphic story ahead


So, last night my gf and I go to bed. I'm pretty tired and sex is not on my mind. I get under the sheet and she comes into the room from the bathroom after having brushed her teeth. She is naked, and bounces on the bed a little bit showing me her great body. She then put herself over me alternatively putting her nipples in my face so I would suck them. She instantly gets me aroused and Im totally full of desire for her. This goes on for maybe 1 or 2 minutes, then she lies down in bed and I start to cuddle and continue light foreplay with her breasts and some light kissing on her neck, and after about 3 minutes she says 'I think I would like to go to sleep' I'm left with what must look like a deer hit by headlights.


Basically in this situation I don't understand whats happened, because it feels that I have been teased, led on, and then rejected. Opinions?



Wow, dont marry this chick, she was playing mind games with you man. Who does that? she offers herself to you, and then wants to goto sleep?

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