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Is he or isn't he...?

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Next time he calls and wants you to join him with his friends, tell him you would like to do something alone with just him. "Hanging out with friends" is just a stupid cover that we guys use way too much. We use that pack mentality of "No way can I get hurt with my friends around". If you like him, let it be known. If you aren't even comfortable enough to push it, then you probably don't like him as much as you thought and then what's the point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wondering if there were any new developments......?




Jason and I have been hanging out regularly and finally he fessed he had a little crush on me!! Good news right? BUT sometimes I wonder if he's telling me the truth or just trying out pick up lines on me...telling me I'm pretty and cool and how he loves my company.


He told me that he went NC with his ex after they split and that she was a psycho chick who didn't want to let him go. But I found out by accident that he was still in touch with her until about two mnoths ago. I don't know if they were talking to each other or if it was cuz they were in the same group of friends. So I'm kinda confused. I don't know if I should believe what he's telling me or not so I'm trying to hold back until I find out for myself.


My problem with my ex was that I never trusted him and always found "clues" to be suspicious of him. I don't wanna face the same problem here and I'm telling myself there has to be a logical explanation.

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Aren't guys silly? Like I was telling someone last night.....I'm no mind reader so I wish my "friend" would let me know how he feels. Thank goodness for this web site. It helps to know I'm not the only one going through this. I'm so glad to hear things are progressing nicely!

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