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I wear my heart on my sleeve


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I did the absolute wrong thing to do. I have been on a few dates with this guy who I am very attracted to. I think he likes my company also. BUT... I did something stupid last night. We were in his car, and I told him not to walk me to my door because it was cold and rainy (he usually does). So he kissed me goodbye in his car. I have to say that I have never put so much worth in somebody's kiss, but I think that kissing him is the highlight of my life right now. But in the middle of kissing, I think I got caught up in the moment. I said to him, "I shouldn't be saying this, but I really really really really like you alot." And he smiled and kissed me again. Then he asked why I liked him so much and I said, "Well, what's not to like?" Then he smiled again and kissed me.


You would think that he'd say, I like you too, or maybe, I don't know about this... or something but he said, "Where did you learn to kiss?" I shrugged and he said, "There are no complaints on this side."


I don't know what that meant. But, I don't think that's the point. I wore my heart on my sleeve and pretty much, I should know better. I've done something like this before and gotten my heart broken. He didn't say whether he liked me back and that bothers me.


Guys, ladies, did I do something stupid? In the back of my head, I hear this voice telling me that what I did was really stupid! I wish that he regarded what was said to him.

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You didn't do anything stupid. But if he spent that much time passionately kissing you and he doesn't like you, he's sort of...well...insane.


People tell others they like them, love them, hate them, etc. in their own good time. You told him you really liked him and that's great. That will make it a bit easier for him to tell you when he's ready.


Some people are just not verbal. They speak with their actions. I kind of like those people because they make up less of the hypocrites of the world. If he behaves as if he likes you, I promise you that he does.


Hint: Always determine if a person is visual...that they are most affected by beauty and what they see; auditory...most affected by what they hear, such as words, music, noise, etc.; or kinesthetic...most affected by actions or deeds. Most people fall into one of those three categories, although there is overlapping, one will be the strongest.


Once you know which one a person is mostly all about, you can win their heart every time. An auditory person will not like loud noise but rather soothing or other music they enjoy...even your sexy voice. A kinesthetic person will like activities with lots of action and will be a doer while a visual person will enjoy what you wear, how you fix your hair and want to go to movies, art shows, etc.


Your guy may not be so auditory or visual as he is kinethetic...by showing you how he feels by his actions.

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You always give the best advice around here. I liked your response to that girl...it really made me think. That's all...just wanted to give some thanks!

You didn't do anything stupid. But if he spent that much time passionately kissing you and he doesn't like you, he's sort of...well...insane.


People tell others they like them, love them, hate them, etc. in their own good time. You told him you really liked him and that's great. That will make it a bit easier for him to tell you when he's ready. Some people are just not verbal. They speak with their actions. I kind of like those people because they make up less of the hypocrites of the world. If he behaves as if he likes you, I promise you that he does. Hint: Always determine if a person is visual...that they are most affected by beauty and what they see; auditory...most affected by what they hear, such as words, music, noise, etc.; or kinesthetic...most affected by actions or deeds. Most people fall into one of those three categories, although there is overlapping, one will be the strongest. Once you know which one a person is mostly all about, you can win their heart every time. An auditory person will not like loud noise but rather soothing or other music they enjoy...even your sexy voice. A kinesthetic person will like activities with lots of action and will be a doer while a visual person will enjoy what you wear, how you fix your hair and want to go to movies, art shows, etc. Your guy may not be so auditory or visual as he is kinethetic...by showing you how he feels by his actions.

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