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somewhat silly

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Hmm... here's the deal ... the way i pick guys to go out with isn't normally same as how most girls pick... so, often, if i'm with a guy, and i bump into a bunch of acquintances, they sort of wonder why i am with him... b/c the type i pick are those who arent' rlly "cool" ... i go for people who are interesting to me. and i will, not depending on others' opinion. besides, i'm simply dating around, so lots of things aren't an issue b/c it's not long-term. (i'll prolly be more selective when picking someone to have kids with :))


however, for some reason, i sometimes get uncomfortable when people (esp. guys) give me this look - aren't u too pretty for him? - ... B/c my guys are sort of strange - they look sort of strange, act strange, dance strange. i look and act normal but i find it much easier to relate to those original characters ... Hmm - I guess i shdn't be trying to justify my choices. i do what i do, what the hell.


I guess i dont want people to think that i sell myself cheap just cuz appreciating my guys takes a lil getting-to-know-'em and don't fit the "coolness" standard.


Any comments?



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Look, don't let other peoples expectation run your life. It sounds as if you are quite young, and I remember the days when "coolness" and peer pressure were big issues to me. But it also sounds as if you are a bit more mature and self confident than your acquaintances. In other words, you have already leanred the lesson that substance is more important than style. Be proud of yourself for that, because some people never learn that lesson. You should never decide to date or not date someone because of how they affect your image.


Other women may have the status symbol guys, but you have the ones who make you happy. Don't worry what other people think.

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Don't be shallow. Who cares what other people think, you're the one that's dating the guy. Let them date whoever they want. If the guy is good to you, treats you right and makes you happy, that's what really matters. Would you prefer to date a guy for his looks who treats you poorly, just so other people get impressed when you're walking down the street or going to a party with him on your arm? It's you that's spending alone time with him and it's you that's going to have to deal with him on a daily basis, not other people.

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