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True characters VS Illusion Characterss


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Their Illusion persona and Their Real persona are obvious different, Illusion is just game to discover a new part of his/herself in a new environment and within new prejudices.


As to deflect from what it was initially, if it happens (and it does), it is by mistake, and underlines a lack of consistency in Illusion persona, something like a lack of maturity in his/her Illusion persona development, that also happens in REAL characters. because equating his/her REAL and ILLUSION persona would be boring, he/she actually becomes to think that ILLUSION is boring, even like that...


Is that an inevitable phenomenon? Do your Illusion persona reflect your REAL one? What would you do/think if your Illusion persona doesn't correspond to your true self anymore? ( if it's not intentionally that is)

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You sure make a lot of very hasty generalizations about people.


There are real people who try to give the illusion of being intellectuals. The call those pseudo-intellectuals. Are you one of them?


For more information about this subject, read:


"The Illusion Trap" by Albert Ellis


"The Divided Self" by R. D. Laing


"Love and Will" by Rollo May


You will find these vintage psychology classics in some good bookstores, over the Internet, and in public libraries.


Happy reading.

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Interesting question though I don't feel like I totally have all the background. Personally I believe all social interaction is acting. On a daily basis we all have to hide our true intentions. Most people are usually not even aware of their real intentions. Generally all of our actions and thoughts are some permutation of a will to power. It is pure biology. We act funny and witty to gain acceptance by those who value such attributes. Even the "selfless" christians are indirectly acting selfishly. I propose every human being is vain and selfish. Any who should deny this much probabbly posess so much vanity that they cannot "see" it.


I hate discourse about the "true" self. Quite frankly, I believe the very notion is illusion. On this subject Buddhism and Biology are slowly converging. However, this is an abstract idea and 'I am' not quite sure I have all the details ironed out yet.


Gee, I hope that sounded intelligent. I hope other people liked what I had say. Who cares about the truth as long as other people like me!

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