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Inlove with a good friend, what would u do?

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Ok, well the thing is, in the past, i've fallen in love with one of my good friends (who's a girl), and i told them how i felt, but then after this, we'd just stop talking to eachother and feel awkward whenever we're together anywhere, now, i met another girl at school, we've been friends for at least 6 months, and we talk to eachother a lot and stuff, sometimes go out to see a movie or go play some sports, but im not sure whether i should tell her how i feel about her or not, becuase i don't want it ending up like the last time, but then what if she's waiting for me to make a move, and then over time she'll just get used to us being friends and that's it.


what should i do?

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i think you should be frank about your feelings for her. true, there are certain risks involved..like your feelings not being reciprocated for example, and all that uncertainties. but this can also create tension between you two, so, you have to make your own decisions based on your priorities. healthy, strong relationships are build on trust and communication. tell her how you truly feel and take that risk. the outcome might or might not surprise you but either way at least you're honest about it. take care and good luck to you!

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I've been through this crap. I've fallen for my best friend twice. The second time eventually led to a 6-month relationship that just ended.


One thing I know is that it's not happening again. Once you develop feelings for someone, you can't be "just friends" until those feelings are gone. It turns you into a needy, spineless wimp, and it causes way too much hurt.


The best thing to do is make your feelings known and if they're not reciprocated, then walk away. Don't be friends with them unless they decide to date you.

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Yeah no doubt, you gotta go balls to the wall and say something, or move away cause everytime you see her it'll remind you of what you want. And I completely agree with the thing about creating tension...Talk about awkward.


Happy Hunting

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Take the plunge dude, at least you'll know where you stand.


If you are scared of a possible rejection then maybe drop a few hints first, see how the land lies.


good luck



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