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Why does this bother me so much?

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I was with my fiance, we were running some errands. We pass a car that caught our attention. It caught my attention because it was a nice car and it caught his attention probably for the same reason but also because of the chick in it. I look and she's smiling at him and he's checking her out. I look over at him and as we pass, he is still looking at her in the rear view mirror. I'm like WTF! Did you get a good look? He says, oh that was someone I used to date. I'm like did you have to stare like that? If you knew her why didn't you just wave instead of staring like that. I know this is such a stupid little incident. But it pisses me off and bothers the hell out of me because I would NEVER do that to him. Never. I might have looked but I wouldn't have openly stared like I was still interested. He told me that I'm overreacting. That he didn't realize who it was until we had driven past and that is why he looked back. And he said he definitely is not interested in her. This probably took a whole minute and shouldn't upset me this much but it does. I'm insecure. I'm trying to work on myself but when s*** like this happens, it brings back all my insecure feelings to the surface. How can I quit reacting like this? What is wrong with me? Help!

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How far are you willing to take a look, or rather how far is he. It seems like just a bump in the road to me, but in the end I would bleave that it is all about what it means to you and him. Was it that bad. I wonder if he regrets doing it, and if so I wonder if he regrets it for the right reason. You know not the reason of him getting in trouble. Wish I had an answer for you, but rather I only have questions my self.

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It oculd be just as innocent as he claims it was, in fact I ahve done things like that before "wait I know that person somewhere!!!" the point of the matter is that he is engaged to you and wants to marry you, you should be able to let go some of your insecurities by now. And know that you are both different people, your looks are going to be different then his, also if this causes you to overreact so much you might want to see if their is a deeper issue

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He prabably didn't wave because he knew you'd freak out and write about it on the interweb. Seriously, let him look. Just because your going to get married that doesn't mean he's going to stop being attractive to women and stop feeling good about being attractive.


Geez, emotionally castrate much?




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I think there is a difference between looking and gawking.


He should know the time and place to gawk is not in your presence.


It's just bad manners.

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Thanks for your replies. As soon as I typed it out, I realized that it sounds pretty petty but..... it wasn't like he was just casually glancing, they were smiling at each other and staring like I wasn't even there, and even after we passed, he was still checking her out in his rearview mirror. I don't expect him to never look at another beautiful woman but I just don't like the fact that even though I was sitting there right beside him that he couldn't stop gawking. And I wouldn't have been upset at all if he would've waved and said that's so and so I used to date. That's what I would've done. If I see a man and woman together, I NEVER smile at the man and flirt. I think it's rude to the woman but a lot of women do this almost like it's a game or something. I know that everyone looks and like I said, I looked myself but only because her car caught my eye. And I don't normally spill my guts out on the internet about my personal business but I just wanted to get some feedback.

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You're emotionally immature. Experience and a reduction of testosterone will help you chill out (hypothalamus...easy on the hypothalamus).


That's the bottom line kid.

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