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am i thinking too much?

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my boyfriend still has a photo of his ex girlfriend and himself on his bedside table. they were together for 6 years and i feel like i can't compare i dont want to be anyone's second best. not long ago he kept getting calls from her and one day they got into a fight and it got he so angry he had forgotton i was around and when he had realised i was still there he apologised and said he had to take me home. i dont understand how he can get so angry from a argument with her unless he still felt strong emotions for her. a few days after, i started to feel very annoyed with it and confonted him about and while trying to cheer me up he even accidently called me her name instead of mine!


and this is how he explained everything: -

- 6 years is a long time to be with someone (he is 21, they broke up 1-2years ago so they would of been together since he was about 14) so they pretty much grew up together so they are like family, and also he didnt think they should of been together because it was more of a friendship than a relationship, she would of been his best friend/ she is his oldest friend.

- and the reason her name probably slipped out was because she has been giving him a lot of trouble because she had found out about me and was really upset about it. he had been spending a lot of time with me which was true and had neglected her, he was supposed to be her friend. he felt bad about it.


all of this sounds like a fair explaination... but he still hasnt removed the photo frame! she is not around anymore because she went to travel oversea so i should not feel threatened but i cant help but feel he still misses her and thats why the photoframe is there. everytime i see the photo frame i think of the day he called me her name!


i just want to know if am just thinking to much and over analysising or i am right to feel this way. And is it possible that the photo is just there for good memories or is it because she will always be his number one deep down inside. i just hate the thought of the one i love has loved someone before me or even love that person better!! why cant he remove it to show that he no longer love her and to show that i am the one now!

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That sucks! Tell him how you feel. Explain how uncomfortable it really makes you and see what he does. 6 years is a long time, but he is very young and being with someone from 14-19 is different from being with someone 22-28. Not quite as serious. Tell him what you feel, if he loses the pic maybe he is really ready to move on, if not, you should move on!

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