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I'm a 20 year old college student and I have this amazingly beautiful girl in my class that also has this amazingly great personality to match her beauty. I've talked to her a couple of times and hung out once with her at one of my friends house. I've known her for about two weeks and just found out that she is kind of seeing someone. My friend tells me that she is not really serious with him, but they are just seeing each other. She tells me I can still try if I want, but I want to get soem other opinions. Does this mean I can still go to her and ask her out? Is she dead set on him? Is there a chance I might make myself look like a fool if I do proceed? If you all can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

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Don't be intimidated by beautiful girls with great personalities. Very often, especially in college, they have the least number of guys asking them out for various reasons. There may be a hundred guys (just like you) wondering if they should ask her out.


If you know she's not seeing anyone on a steady basis, you are crazy not to ask her out. Start out with asking her to lunch or something a bit casual. It's easier for her to say yes to that. Once you've gotten to know her better, then move on with the program from there.


If you don't ask her and see what kind of answer you may get, you will never forgive yourself.

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always a friend, never a lover

Take it from me, as a guy not that much older than you, ask her out...not later, not next week, NOW!


Is she dead set on this guy she's "seeing"? Just "seeing" someone doesn't sound like marriage to me.


The point is we have only so much time on this spinning rock, you could be living it up one minute and lying in a vegetative state the next. The phrase carpe dium (sp) comes to mind.


You've known her two weeks? Perfect, you have established conversation with this goddess? Even better. The longer you wait the worse it will be for you and your chances. Tak it from someone who's been there five or six times and still hasn't gotten it right: If you wait too long you will become the "platonic friend guy" and will be subsequently put on the shelf to live pickled in a jar among a collection of other nice fellows in jars who simply bided far too much time before asking Ms. Perfection out.


If she becomes too familiar with you, she will lose sight of you as a possible romantic partner and thus she will never be able to see you in that light. You must strike while the iron is hot young man...or risk chilly fallout that ensues.


NOW, having said all that...if this apple of your eye breaks your heart i.e. turns you down...fear not, it just wasn't meant to he and better you have found out after barely getting to know her, than to come to this conclusion after months and months of painful yearning platonic friendship. At least this way you still live on to fight another day.


Good luck to you on behalf of all men forever stuck in "the friend-zone".

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