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Does this girl like me?

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There's this girl thats one year younger then me and I have a huge crush on her, she laughs when I makes jokes and she always IM's me first when I talk to her online, BUT she doesn't like it when I touch her and she hits me (playfully, but hard) if I say something she doesnt like.


Does she like me?

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HI guest-


There are a few things that could be going through her head...


She could like you and not be sure if you like her too so she is not flat out saying that she likes you... if she laughs/giggles a lot or is usually smiling when you are around there is a good chance that she likes you.


She could also just see you as a friend... that would explain the not liking to be touched part.


My advice would be to keep hanging out with her. If you can hug her and see how she hugs back, that could tell a lot (if she sees you as a friend or more)

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Also there is another thread in this same group that has a similar question... there are ~80 replys on that so you should go look at that too to help answer your question.


Good Luck

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If she doesnt like it when you touch her then I would say no. I would treat her as a friend and dont pay that much attention to her and see if she comes around. -Shane

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