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Tony, u said ...

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in some post, u said that beautiful gals w/ great personalities often dont get asked out in college


was it that or something along those lines?...


why does it happen? are college boys after smth else? hmm?


Thanks :)

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Exactly what I said was that MANY beautiful ladies are not asked out because men think they may already be taken, may reject them for some reason, or may otherwise not be interested. The are many wonderful, beautiful women who remain home or go shopping on Saturday nights.


YOU ASK: "why does it happen? are college boys after smth else? hmm?"


I answered the question above. The problem is not just restricted to college ladies but to women in general. There are a lot of men who just won't approach them because of various fears...and the guys who do approach them are not the kind of guys these ladies are interested in.


It all eventually works out, though.


Oh, yes, you asked if college boys were after something else. Well, I think a great many of them want to be with someone whom they enjoy having good times with and many others just want to get laid as often as possible. Nothing wrong with that as long as they state their agenda.

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