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love problem how to fix that

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im not sure if im right righting that mail to that mail list, i though maybe you know to help me in my case. i read many nlp seduction and persuasion and influence books and workbooks of course i think they are all great and i learned alot of things in the 4 mouth i started with nlp and hypnosis but there is a big problem in my case im very strong in love in a particular girl the problem is that i know that girl in

the place she works, she works in a casino as waitress and im going about 4 times at week to that casino and she is allways full work bringin drinks two the people and it is allmoust imposible to speak to her and all the stupid managers wach her and of course the cameras,so the thing is that all the nlp tecniques i cant use them in the short time

i can speak normaly less that one minute and i get also very nerveos with that situation.

the first time i saw that girl was one year ago when she started to work in thath hell casino i started to fell a strong phichic atraction for her just in that firt time i saw her but i wasent yet in love with her then se was locking to me alot.now allready five mounth i felt in love with her the thing is that i allways started to think more in her since now that im all the day thinking in her she is always in my mental screan and i can think in others thinks but her face is still there and i can fell something in my stomag and in my heart i have very strong emotion when i see her.

before i was very shy so with the help of hypnosis i defeat that shyness i head and i anchored my self in the maximum expirience of the hypnosis so with the help of a push boton i can anchor that fellings of total self confidence when im in front of that girl or other people.

so i was ready to flirt with that girl and i started to flirt to her,her respond was positive her body language was great her gaze was more intense her eye contact was over 80 porcent of the time her pupils a little biger glanzy eyes her body pointed me she smilled showing uper tight line she always come nerer to me during the conversation almous her body touch my in a moment she was very friendly open and worm with me and she smilled all the time specialy in the most flirting moments,that time was the longest time i speak to her about 20 minutes normaly in other ocasion i can only speak 1 minute some times less with her but that day she was in an other sector of the casino floor

were people play with less money so they are less people and less managers around.

during thath conversation we where interump two times becose people order her drinks but i get a sorprise se sayd to me will you stay here so why can speak more affter

so she come back the next interumpt she also come again to me.

when she defently whent to the break i asked her you will be tomorow she sayd yes and you i sayd yes so lets see as tomorow okay she sayd.

the next day i come back to the casino so she saw me from far away and she quikly come to say me hello and speak with me she was again very friedly and open so that time she had only about one minute to speak,but after an hour i whent to her to speak to her and she was totaly diferent to me she ignored me and when to another place i asked me what can happen that a person changes so much in one hour maybe if you say me 1 week i understand but one hour and i dont made her nothing at all and dont sayd nothing bad.so i think i now what is the problem the managers prohibitet her to speak to me becose it agains the rule that casino employment flirt with clients of the casino.the casino even but me a spy ho actuaded like he is a player but i noticed in the ways he gets to interesed when i speak about her i dont noticed firt that that man was a spy so i tell him that im in love with her so after that i noticed that he rarely always wanted to take information about that when i noticed also that hes eye contact is 100 porcent of the time when im speaking about that girl and only about 30 when i speak about every other things.

the other proplem is that her boyfriend work as waiter also in the casino and he is really creazy you can se it only in tha way he walks and his bodylanguage shows that he is an maniac and dominant ant arrogant person a friend ho works in that casino tell to me that i must be very carreful that her boyfriend is complitly nut and he is very wild he sayd to me that everybody is affraid from him i saw how everyday screams to the player and discuss with them also in two ocasion he started to scream in front of all the people to the main managers and once he pointet a with the finger to the face of the manager.one day he bring me a drink and he gaze to me so agresivly and his face was

tremling i think he know that im in love with her girlfriend i really think that guy shoult be in a nut house i also think that she is afraid maybe to speak to me becose that guy will get wild with her maybe hit her,maybe that evening somebody sayd to him i was flirting with her i think he have her very controled and dominated.

my mother and my had a idea to see her out of the casino but it dont worked my mam haves a catering company and we nedd waitress and people that help in the kichen

so my mam propose her to come one night to work in a recepcion for a embasador so she was speaking with her and she was happy i sad okay i will like to come to work for you my mam give her the phone and she asked are you tomorow here so i can look my agenda if i work that day.to bad she worked that day my mam offered also for other times so she said but i will love to come an other time always if i dont work that day .i friend informed me that defently that day she was working so she dont lied to as. the problem is that till october all our clients are on vacations that a long time to wait .that she comes to an catering will be perfect becose there is alnly about one hour stress and the rest is very quit perfect to speak with her and apply rapport,anchorchs,patterns and as many nlp stuff as posible.

so now as i can not speak with her i cant apply nlp,can you advise me how i must behave in that situation it will be good to say her when she dont speaks with me somethink like what happens here what i made,what is the apropiate way to say it .we also though maybe that my mam as she speaks with her maybe to say that im in love with her i want to see her out of the casino then when she mentione but i have boyfriend apply some boyfriend destroyer patterns.i really dont know what to make

im very much in love with her and want to fix that dificult situation i see that in that situation is all very different as a normal seduction.

if my mam says that to her how she must say that to her what to do when she says but i dont want to see him out of the casino what is the correct way to win here and persuade her to see me out of the casino do you have any ideas.i also thouth to give her a little letter explayning that situation whath the way to write it.please if you can help me with that i will be very happy also if you know a way to make a little better that situation if you have an other idea that the card or two tell her im in love with her.

she presupose allready that im in love in her becose a friend tell her in front of me that im in love with her and her reaction was great she wassent defensive at all and smilled me alot in that moment her eyes get bigger in that moment she look me very intense in the eyes she never mentionated her boyfriend in al that times he sayd that.

but i think that from one side she thinks its only fun and the other side she must think it serrious.i say fun becose that friend makes a lot of jokes and she knoves that.

she is also about 6 or 7 years older than me maybe more what nlp tecnique can my mam sey her if she says but he is to young for me.

im allready very deprimed y hade a very bad expirience with a girl before that and allready all my life i have righ now all kind of problems also familiar and money and i dont

want to permit that again things come bad now in that situation.i forget to mentionate that i like only an particular stile of girl that is very rare to find and she is in that particular stile i see that all the other girls can be very nice with me but im only attracted to that kind of girls i only saw 4 girl in that kind so its not like other people that like 100 girls when they mis with one dont happen nothink becose they like so many girls.my particular stile is a black haired girl with dark eyes and a very particular face expresion and also a particular haer cut.


thanke you for reading my problematic text and exuse me for write that to you but i really dont know more what to do ,exuse me also for my bad english gramatic.

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apply some boyfriend destroyer patterns


:lmao: Ermm...how does one exactly do this?? Sounds like some pretty hefty stuff...



what is nlp? And what is your first language?

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Uuummm...You guys, Sony really needs our help! :lmao:


I really think you guys would love to understand what he is trying to say and enjoy commenting on it, so I have broken down his post so it is easier to understand:


Sony is a client of a particular Casino. At this Casino, he met a girl who works there as a waitress delivering drinks. The first time he saw her was a year ago. Upon meeting her, he immediately felt a strong psychic attraction. He has tried to talk to her, but it is difficult for him to do that because the managers and cameras are always watching.


Seems pretty cut and dry and innocent enough, doesnt it?.....READ ON..


(insert creepy theme music here)

Sony has been an avid studier of hypnosis and :

nlp seduction and persuasion and influence books


For those of you that dont know what NLP is, I took the time to look it up.

NLP= NeuroLinguistic Programming. Basically, it means that he persuades her with pre-programmed words that are supposed to get her to sucumb to his desires and commands.


(According to Sony, it worked for a few minutes, but she was broken out of it because someone walked up)


Now, the plot thickens. This girl has a boyfriend that works with her at the Casino:

the other proplem is that her boyfriend work as waiter also in the casino and he is really creazy you can se it only in tha way he walks and his bodylanguage shows that he is an maniac and dominant ant arrogant person a friend ho works in that casino tell to me that i must be very carreful that her boyfriend is complitly nut and he is very wild he sayd to me that everybody is affraid from him i saw how everyday screams to the player and discuss with them also in two ocasion he started to scream in front of all the people to the main managers and once he pointet a with the finger to the face of the manager.one day he bring me a drink and he gaze to me so agresivly and his face was

tremling i think he know that im in love with her girlfriend i really think that guy shoult be in a nut house


Basically, the BF is a crazed lunatic and Sony is worried. So, Sony concocted a different plan:

my mother and my had a idea to see her out of the casino but it dont worked my mam haves a catering company and we nedd waitress and people that help in the kichen

so my mam propose her to come one night to work in a recepcion for a embasador so she was speaking with her and she was happy i sad okay i will like to come to work for you my mam give her the phone


what nlp tecnique can my mam sey her if she says but he is to young for me.


Meaning, what brainwashing technique can my mom use on her if she says he is too young for me...

So, now the mother is involved in the hypnosis plan as well and trying to lure her to accept a position within her company.


It fits in well with what he has to say next:

that she comes to an catering will be perfect becose there is alnly about one hour stress and the rest is very quit perfect to speak with her and apply rapport,anchorchs,patterns and as many nlp stuff as posible.




The reason he is up in a fluster over her is:


i forget to mentionate that i like only an particular stile of girl that is very rare to find and she is in that particular stile i see that all the other girls can be very nice with me but im only attracted to that kind of girls i only saw 4 girl in that kind so its not like other people that like 100 girls when they mis with one dont happen nothink becose they like so many girls.my particular stile is a black haired girl with dark eyes and a very particular face expresion and also a particular haer cut.


There are only 4 girls in the whole world who have her particular style and a very particular facial expression and its not like there are 100 girls that are like her so apparently, she is very rare. Thats why he will stop at nothing to have her. THe girl is 6 or 7 years older than him.


I would love to hear what you all have to say about this one.

oh yes, and he also needs help in this:


apply some boyfriend destroyer patterns

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  • 2 weeks later...

This fantastical thread got the shaft, so I am resurrecting it....I had posted on this briefly in the Water Cooler but I guess they removed it...still not sure why...but anyway...read this!!

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Sony..what is NLP? is it Neuro-Linguistic Programming or coding? Don't know much about this area although it peaks my curiosity now, lol..Need to read further on this before attempting to comment...

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