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Up date : my ex-gf jinx me to the bone


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Someone said I should go to watch " Harry Potter" movie on Nov 16 , I went there yesterday. I will tell what I saw in this movie:


1. Harry deliverance to the "muggles" (non-magic family) was similar to that of Moses as a baby.


2. Harry has a "mark" like an S on his forehead


3. Harry communes with a serpent and free him


4. Owls abound throughout the film (occult symbol)


5. There is a professor "snake"


6. There is the mention of drinking "unicorn blood" . Drinking blood is just disgusting and forbidden in the Bible.


7. The 3 main characters have to do research on "nicholas Framel (heavy accent on the "El" as in Fram-el) who celebrated his 665 th birthday last year". So, this year he will be 666. of course, we all know this is the mark of the beast. And, when I first heard the name icholas Flamel in the movie, i though Harry said " nicholas from hell"


8. There is a 3 headed dog name " fluffy" who guards some evil portal


What a great imagination. Its called creating an "analytical correlation" between what is known and what is presented for you, is that correct? i just want to know why the brain is very powerful thing ? what is neuroassociative...?


Please elaborate!

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i'm really, reallY, reaLLY, REALLY confused how the ex-girlfriend jinxing you to the bone has any relation to harry potter???


is your ex-girlfriend j.k. rowling??


i think people are starting with apples and ending up with fruit salad. maybe their drinks were spiked or they tripped and fell and hit their head on the way out of the cinema.


the author would never make a statement about christ/religion without being eaten alive and her book banned from every school in the world if it was thought to be of the occult.


anything that has huge popularity obviously has its roots in evil. NOT.


p.s. please explain the ex-girlfriend part again????

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I had posted my story for 3 months ago. Here my OLD story was:


I've been with my ex for six to seven years, due to different reasons we stuck with each other all this time, but a yr and half ago, it came to a point " when enough is enough", so i break up with her. when i look back there are more bad times than happy times, then one day i was talking to my friends about career and stuff, and then it just came to me, everytime when my ex contact me, the following 48 hrs the most unexpected mishap will happen and i have to give extra effort to deal with. Everytime when i was inverview for a new job, she can sense these thing and call me. then i lost the job, it happen three times and the pattern repeated. jinx or not?

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According to your post, you were clearly told to see the movie on November 16, NOT on December 2. Tardiness holds great consequences in the world of make-believe.


As a graduate, magna cum laude, from the Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I will perform the necessary rituals to remove all jinxs from you at this time. However, do not let this happen again.


Get your broom and come fly with me sometime!

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