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Should I try to save the relationship?

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Ok, here goes. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I suspected him of cheating before, and pretty sure he did cheat. Now I know for sure he is doing it again, but not sexually. He goes out with this girl and they dance and sit under the stars... (Thanks to her my space...) I messaged her and she said she tried but he won't pick her over me but it still all hurts the same. I don't know how to talk to him about it or if I should even give him another chance. I am only seventeen and I am very lost. I know I am young, but the pain is the same...


Thanks alot,

Lindsey :(

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Ok, here goes. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I suspected him of cheating before, and pretty sure he did cheat. Now I know for sure he is doing it again, but not sexually. He goes out with this girl and they dance and sit under the stars... (Thanks to her my space...) I messaged her and she said she tried but he won't pick her over me but it still all hurts the same. I don't know how to talk to him about it or if I should even give him another chance. I am only seventeen and I am very lost. I know I am young, but the pain is the same...


Thanks alot,

Lindsey :(



What does your gut instinct tell you that you need to do? No matter what anyone says here, the choice has to be yours. I would imagine if you tried to talk with him about it, he would more than likely try justify his actions.

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You are young, you have your whole life ahead of you and there are tons of guys out there. Do what you feel you need to do, but IMO, it might be best to move on.





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Ok, here goes. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I suspected him of cheating before, and pretty sure he did cheat. Now I know for sure he is doing it again, but not sexually. He goes out with this girl and they dance and sit under the stars... (Thanks to her my space...) I messaged her and she said she tried but he won't pick her over me but it still all hurts the same. I don't know how to talk to him about it or if I should even give him another chance. I am only seventeen and I am very lost. I know I am young, but the pain is the same...


Thanks alot,

Lindsey :(


Even though you have no proof of him cheating physically, he has in fact had what you call an emotional affair with another girl, which IMO, is just as bad as cheating physically. Along with that, you obviously have no trust in him either, which I don't blame you for. You need to break it off with him. If you stay with him, how will you be able to trust him? Staying with him will only cause you stress.

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I'm begining to hate myspace.




Lyndsey, you're too young to get into this grief. He is also too immature to make a decision. This is a sign that he may not be good with dealing with emotionally distressing situations. I agree with Riddler, I think he actually still has cheated on you. Emotionally is probably worse than physically because usually guys can take or leave sex but the emotional contact it doesn't come easily... you need to do what is right for you. You need to at least sit him down and tell him how much this is hurting you and explain that if indeed he loves you, then you know, this isn't the kind of thing which is going to show that love. Explain also that you're not saying he can't have female friends but there is a limit to that trust.

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