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i have feelings for a good friend

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ok so this is how it stands: i have been friends with this girl for a while now. our families used to be neighbors many years ago and our families are really good friends and still get togehter. our families live an hour apart so we dont get together as much as we all would like. when we do see each other though, we have a blast; her family is her mom, dad, brother, and her; my family is my mom, dad, sister, and me. all 4 of us kids are within 3 years age of each other, me being the oldest at 18 and her being the youngest, at 15. in February of 2006, i started talking to her alot on AIM because i asked her to go to my senior prom with me. prom was in May and it was the most fun night of my life. i also just saw her in early July because my family went to visit her family at the beach for a day.


ok so that is basically the history, now is my dilemma. first, you should know what this girl is like. she is fun, kind, beautiful, easygoing, and has a great talent; she is an astounding artist. before prom i was excited to go with her because i knew i would have a great time (going with a good friend is more fun than going with someone you dont know as well, at least in my opinion). anyway, since then i have been developing feelings for her and i dont know what to do. i want to tell her how i feel but i plan on telling her in a few years, not right now because she is 3 years younger than me. also, it would not work right now because she lives an hour away and she has a boyfriend but she told me that they are off and on. if i let her know how i feel in a few years, i am scared that she may be taken because she is such a great girl. however, in a few years the distance and age wont be as much of a problem. i am really lost, what should i do?

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hmmm. interesting situation. The trouble with someone that age is they may not be ready for 'proper' relationships and so time would be a useful card to play, but if you really get on then maybe you could give it a try. It may scare her off unless you are very tactful though!


If I were in your position I would just be a very close friend and then in time she may gravitate to you of her own accord, and if she doesnt yuo could always move in again and try yourself. But I would be careful of the age as, although they may not seem it, people under 16/17 are usually emotinally immature. They dont realise until they look back. I am 20 and I cant believe how childish I behaved at 17 - and that is onyl a three year gap.


Be patient, but be close.


Good luck

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