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romance ideas ?


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Hi guys, great bored lots of good advice, especially Tony, nice work man. ANyways I am asking some advice of you guys. I am a romantic guy who likes to tell his girlfriend every day how beautiful she is but I was wondering if any of you guys had any in depth romance ideas that were romantic enough that you don't need money-- they say the best things are for free and I'm trying to think of ways to prove that in a romantic way to my girlfriend. I've already done roses a few times and taken her to movies and fancy restaurants and one night we both particularly loves was when we were on a beach all alone on a dock looking at the stars and talking about our future together , that was in the summer.


we are deeply in love with each other, we fight like most couples , maybe even more that the norm but we always always talk our problems out, if somethings bugging my girlfriend she tells me, we make love , we tell each other how much we love each other all the time but i want to show her so what is something i could do thats romantic? It's winter up here and theres snow everywhere so we can;t do the dock anymore ...help me out guys


thanks in advance

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I'm not a guy but I am romantic, so I'm going to respond anyways :)


Here's some of my favourite sites that have great romantic ideas:








Personally, there's nothing more romantic on a cold winter's night than lighting the house up with only candles and sharing a long bath together... followed by a massage and love making of course.


Or how bout writing her a poem, doesn't have to be fancy or even rhyme... just from the heart :)


Or how bout breakfast in bed? Brushing her hair is a beautiful gesture too.


An ex boyfriend of mine left a trail of rose petals from the front door to the bedroom where the whole bed was covered in rose petals with him waiting there with a gift for me, just because!... now that was romantic.

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I'm a girl too, but here's some stuff I'd like.


A big blanket on the floor, wine (not sure how old you are), different kinds of cheeses, grapes, strawberries, and candles (a fireplace would be great if you have one). Kind of like a mini pic-nic.


Another thing, could be just to make her dinner. Soup, salad, main course, and desert. There is nothing more romantic than a guy trying to cook something fancy - especially if he can't cook - it's so cute. It's like going out to dinner, but a whole lot cheaper and in your own home.


Some outdoor winter stuff could be a snowball fight or sledding. One of the best dates I've ever had, ended (or started rather) with a snowball fight. Another outdoor sport, could be a sleigh ride (not sure of the price though) or outdoor, nightime ice skating.


Also look through your community theater. There could be some great Christmas shows or choir performances if you like that kind of thing. Make her dinner and then take her to an inexpensive community show.


I hope some of these sound good to you.

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