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does she like me?

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I have feelings for a good friend.. and I think she knows. We have been to the movies with her friends a few times but no dates. She always seems eager to spend time together but her best friend says that she only considers me a friend.


What do I do?

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So it means that you wanna go out with her right? It could be that she just wants you to stay her friend. It's rare to have a guy being JUST A FRIEND..so she finds that in you. But dont believe everything that her best friend says..I never confide my PERSONAL feelings with my best pal. So it could be that she just doesnt know, she told you what she think the situation is..take your time to be close to her, find out if she likes someone..good luck with that!

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Why don't you tell her how you truly feel? Take that risk and let her know. Expressing your true feelings may be awkward, but at least you know. Good luck to you!

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She's going to say you're "just friends" until she knows for sure you have feeling for her....so start dropping those hints.

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Thanks guys,


I think'll I'll try a combo of all three. I'll stay friends with her and drop the hints and when the time is right I'll tell her how I feel.


Once again, thanks, you've been a great help

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Hey there,


Just a few thoughts that I hope help.


As the saying goes, it is better to regret something you did, then something you didn't do.


and another saying is that you are old when you have more regrets than you have dreams.


My thoughts are that if you could live with the possilibility that she might not want to be your friend any more after you tell her your feelings, then you should definitely ask her out. But if your friendship (and I mean a purely platonic friendship) with her is so important, then maybe you will have to wait and see.


I am proably much older than you (I am 42) and I can only tell you how much it hurts to think about all the women I wanted to tell that I cared about them, but never did. The pain of being rejected goes away fairly quickly, but the remorse you feel for something that you SHOULD have done but never did - man, you carry that your whole life.


If you are single and she is single, ask her out; that is what single people do!!! Even if she doesn't feel the same way about you, she SHOULD at least take it as a compliment and if you do it in a discreet, gentlemanly manner, then she should only feel flattered at the very least.


If for some reason she takes offense at it, then believe me, she wasn't worth wasting your time thinking about her in the first place and you will be better prepared to move on with your life. Plus the longer you wait to ask her out, the more likely you are to think unrealistic negative thoughts about yourself (I am not handsome / rich / tall / cool enough to date her).


Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how it goes. And remember, no matter what happens, this is life - you only get one, and these kinds of things get harder as you get older. Start being honest with yourself now about what you want to prevent getting into bad habits later on.

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