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So I discovered his worst feature.

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Hello. I have been with a guy for nearly three months. He is very emotional and clingy, and over-dramatizes everything.

I recently found out that I am only one of his many boyfriends. This is very unnerving.

But the mutual friend who discovered this also found out that it's not just regular cheating... It's his elimination process. He keeps many boyfriends for an extended amount of time and decides on one.


I, for one, feel used. I've been wanting to break up with him for ages now, but am afraid to, due to his over-emotional tendencies.

I can't tell him I know of his emotionally abusive plan, because the friend who told me would be in huge trouble if he was caught for telling me.


Help... Please?

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It's not your responsibility to worry about his tendencies. It's done so tell him it's not working out and say goodbye.

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I guess I'm being cowardly. I've never broken up before.

I tried a few times before, but he somehow manipulated it so it was like we were still together. I feel trapped, even though he doesn't want me for long.

...I want to be free again. But I'm too afraid of how he'll feel, despite his having done things to deserve some of the pain.

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Normally I would never suggest breaking up in writing (it's a horrible thing to do) but in this case maybe it would work.

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