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how do i deal with my boyfriends mother!


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My boyfriend is 22 and we've been together for a month and everything is great. we've spent alot of time together and i thought i would like his mother. one comment made me think twice, though because after i was bragging about the great deal i got on the shoes i was wearing from goodwill, she said, "i would never shop there" and it kindof made me weary, but i ignored it nonetheless. First of all, i'm barely 18, so there is about a 4yr and 7month age difference between me and my boyfriend. well, tonight, we got back from eating out and went to his house. his mother was sitting there on the couch and conversation went something like this:

Boyfriends mother: so, when is your curfew?

ME: it's at like 12:30, but my parents really like josh so.. it could be later tonight, haha.


boyfriends mother: so are your parents really free with you?


ME: no not usually. my curfew is usually 11:30


boyfriends mother:oh, well how long have you all been dating


ME: about a month! <i was excited to say that>


boyfriends mother: well, i was looking at your myspace and one of your supposedly "bestfriends" made a comment about "be-heading" josh(my boyfriend) and i think that that is outrageous!

All the comment said was this: "we're going to have to be-head josh, sorry bud."

i mean, they were joking, as you can tell.

she went on to say that it was stupid and immature that they put that, which it may have been but it wasnt like i said it. see, my friends are use to seeing me all the time but since me and josh have been together, i have kinda neglected them


but then she says to him that he doesnt know me at all and that he should have done some research before he started dating me and that im probably like my friends. then she interogates me about my religious beliefs. she's really short with me and cuts me off in mid sentence. then she tells him that im too young for him and she does this all right in front of me.


when he tells her hes taking me to my car she says, that would be good.

NOTE that during all of this im trying to be as nice as possible. im fighting back tears as well. i barely know her and she's cutting me down left and right all over one comment that my friends put on my myspace!! she also tells him that im just a baby cause im only 18.



after i got out of her sight, i started to bawl.


what do i do!!!!!!!

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