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I'm moving and leaving my boyfriend and bestfriend. I need .

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Okay so..

I have a bestfriend and a boyfriend. I knew my bestfriend since my WHOLE life. And I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 weeks. I knew him for almost 3 years though. I love them both too death.

My neighborhood I currently live in is really bad. There are gang activities. I dunno. A nightmare. I so used to it so it don't bother me.

My step dad wants too move too Florida (I live in Illinois) I dont want too move. I have been living in the same house since i was born. I dont want too leave my boyfriend or my bestfriend. Im just 15. And i havent even been in drivers ed yet. So i can't really drive back. I don't want to break up with my boyfriend and I dont want too leave my bestfriend (or the others i have). What should I do???

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You have to go where your parents go, sweets. Since there is internet and phone, you can certainly stay in touch with your friends. Plus, you will meet all kinds of new people in Florida, so you don't have to be lonely unless you sit around moping all the time. Life is full of change - the best way to be happy is to accept change and embrace it.

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