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Opps, i sent it before i told my story lol... im new at this..


Im gonna try to keep this as short and basic as a i can... lol


I'am 18 and I work at a spa and this boy i have a crush on works at the hotel across the street, Well after 2 months of smiles and hi's we finally got to talk. But, we got hang out 2 days before i left for Italy for 2 weeks, well we did alot of talking for thoose 2 days and we got to no eachother. I have a boyfriend for 1 year and a few months and he has a girlfriend for about 6 months. We keep it totaly just friends, and we did let eachother no we think eachother is very attractive. Well... Before i left for italy i seen him that morning and we had plans for dinner for when i get back and i told him jokenly not to flirt with any of the SPA GIRLS lol, and he said back that im the only one who catches his eye. So i left with the vibe that we are gonna get to no eachother and that he would be thinking bout me and miss me..


WELL.. I got back home and i went to the spa first to say see my friends and my family ( they work there also) and My friend told me that while i was gone he stopped in the spa more then once, he asked her for her number to hang out or just to talk and then when she didnt call him he called her at work and asked why she didnt call him... So i was upset and i went home later the night and called him and we tlaked and he asked if i missed him and i said maybe.. and hes like well i missed you. And im like ohh really and then he said well can we hang out tom. night when i get back from NY and i said well why dont you give krystal a call and he acted like whos krystal and im like come on you no who and i told him the story. But i wasnt yelling at him, i was just being a smart ass about it. Well he said that he just wanted to hang out and theres nothing wrong with that, and im like you kno what your right Scott theres nothing wrong with that, nothing at all, seriouly i dont care i just wanted to let you no that i new, incase you werent gonna tell me that you were trying to talk and hang out with krystal. He said... We i dont no why your getting mad, you have a boyfriend. Im like and you have a girlfriend and we were getting to kno eachother. And im like you kno what, i dont care joey just wanted to let you kno, and he said okay, and im like okay bye scott. And i hung up. He didnt call back and i didnt call him. I went back to work 2 days later and I saw him and he kinda like ran away to avoide me. He later text me and told me i can hate him all i want but he still thinks that im beautiful, and i text back... i dont hate you and thanks. Then he texted back OK. And we havent talked since. Its been a week and 1 day today and its really bothering me. I dont no why it is bothering me tho, i love my boyfriend and i feel bad. I no this is just a crush, but now im thinking that maybe i wanted it to go further.


I havent seen im around, i use to see him 30 times a day, just walking. Now, its been a week and i've seen him maybe 3 times. I dont no if hes avoiding me b/c hes imbarrsed of what he did or he dosnt care cuz hes a player and thinks he ruined his chance. B/c if he did care he would have at least tired to call me to work things out.


Im so confused and i really do not want to be thinking bout this kid all the time like im doing. And i know comming to work, noing he is somwere around dosnt help at all.


WHAT SHOULD I DO! Im too stuborn to call him, b/c i did nothing wrong! Right? If you want to help me, Then i can give you more depth and be specfic on some things that might help me come to a conclusion! I need your help girl and guys!

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I think maybe he felt as though you had a boyfriend so you wouldn't make such a big deal out of the whole situation. Obviously, something is not right in the relationship that you are in or you would not be this concerned over a 2 day guy. Let it go, he still wants to play games.

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You have a boyfriend, he has a girlfriend. Clearly not serious, or you two wouldn't flirting.


But at the end of the day, he had no commitment to you, and is free to talk and hang out with whom ever he choses! He wasn't doing anything particularly wrong to you... although I wouldn't want to be this guys girlfriend!


Either finish with your bf and make yourself available, or stay with your bf and leave this guy alone.

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I really dont no why i was making such a big deal over this guy. And you guys are right.. I shouldnt get mad at the fact that he tried talking to another girl while i was away. It just sucked because i was really attracted to him and we had such good convos, and even tho we only talked for almost 3 days, we seen eachother for like 2 months and we caught eachothers eye. I just thoguht maybe i was playing to hard to get b/c i didnt wanna make myself seem too avaliable b/c of cause im not. But, What sucks is he said how happy he was and trilled to acually be tlaking to me and hes been wanting to for so long. And he said it sucks how i have to leave. I wish i woulda talked to him face to face, instead on the phone the same day i got back. That was kinda stupid.. now i'll prob. never talk to him again or really hear what he had to say.


Why dont you guys think he isnt trying to talk to me? B/c hes emmbarrsed or b/c he dosnt care b/c i was nothing.


Maybe im taking this way out of line... lol


Thanks guys for helping out!! I just wanna from people who can really give you the advice you need, not what you wanna hear.

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I really dont no why i was making such a big deal over this guy. And you guys are right.. I shouldnt get mad at the fact that he tried talking to another girl while i was away. It just sucked because i was really attracted to him and we had such good convos, and even tho we only talked for almost 3 days, we seen eachother for like 2 months and we caught eachothers eye. I just thoguht maybe i was playing to hard to get b/c i didnt wanna make myself seem too avaliable b/c of cause im not. But, What sucks is he said how happy he was and trilled to acually be tlaking to me and hes been wanting to for so long. And he said it sucks how i have to leave. I wish i woulda talked to him face to face, instead on the phone the same day i got back. That was kinda stupid.. now i'll prob. never talk to him again or really hear what he had to say.


Why dont you guys think he isnt trying to talk to me? B/c hes emmbarrsed or b/c he dosnt care b/c i was nothing.


Maybe im taking this way out of line... lol


Thanks guys for helping out!! I just wanna from people who can really give you the advice you need, not what you wanna hear.


I think you were both bored in your relationships and developed crushes on one another.


Where he walked 30 times past you now he walks 3. He is either embarassed or does not want to take this to the right level : Which is : You both break up with your bf/gf so you can be together.


I think you both need to be fair to your partners and let them go , so THEY can find someone who wants them 100% . You both obviously want something different because you are / were flirting.

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I'am board with my current reliship.. but i cant let him go. Its just were both so comforable with eachother, but i think that the problem b/c we dont do the fun stuff we use to. But i feel bad, im confused b/c if this guy and i were to still be talking i prob. would end things with my current boyfriend. I donno. I just arrived to work this moring and i seen my crush again and he just smiled, but i was in my car lol. Well its almost been 2 weeks and i havent talked to him so hes prob. just like you said really emmbarrsed or dosnt want to take it another level.


i have a question... when this first started and we ddint talk then he seen me after we spoke on the phone, he sent me a text telling me i can hate him all i want but he still thinks im beautiful.. what did he mean bye that? Then i texted back.. i dont hate you but thanks. and he texted back.. Ok. What kind of vibe did i send him? And what was he trying to get at bye sending me that? B/c i havent talked to him since that? :o

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hi, i see you are new too!! i found a post you posted so i will help you here since you are helping me, ya OOPs i replied to my own post as a guest!! ok lets see your situation...

i think he thinks you are beautiful, and the whole vibe i go t from the text was this-sounds like the text was a peacemaker kinda ya know? well first HOW OLD IS HE?

k cuz that will help out here, i am thinking that maybe he intentionally asked for your friends number to **** with you, so whats his age ..

well as far as you both being in a relationship then if you and this guy talk again the conversation should go something like this...

'well we are both in relationships, do you and i want to get to know eachother better'

'if so, then lets both go talk to our others/

maybe ask your others if they have been feeling like seeing other people, dont jump into this though if you say the wrong thing first you will surely lose what you got... you know??? dont say anything yet!!!!!!!!!!OK!!!!!!!!!


so you see dating and all that why you are younger to me is just this...

experiencing, finding what you like and dont like, and if you find mr. right on the way you are lucky, you are young, experience a lot so when you settle down you are confident and secure, you know???

what else was i going to ask...

so is the text still the last time you talked??

well lets keep things straight here, you got a name for you boyfrind and the guy across the street, or i will just call you and guy at hotels boyfriend and girlfriend others.... got to keep it straight you know, k peace out

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I'am board with my current reliship.. but i cant let him go. Its just were both so comforable with eachother, but i think that the problem b/c we dont do the fun stuff we use to. But i feel bad, im confused b/c if this guy and i were to still be talking i prob. would end things with my current boyfriend. I donno. I just arrived to work this moring and i seen my crush again and he just smiled, but i was in my car lol. Well its almost been 2 weeks and i havent talked to him so hes prob. just like you said really emmbarrsed or dosnt want to take it another level.


i have a question... when this first started and we ddint talk then he seen me after we spoke on the phone, he sent me a text telling me i can hate him all i want but he still thinks im beautiful.. what did he mean bye that? Then i texted back.. i dont hate you but thanks. and he texted back.. Ok. What kind of vibe did i send him? And what was he trying to get at bye sending me that? B/c i havent talked to him since that? :o


He thinks you are beautiful but he is backing off because of possible guilt of messing around while he still has a gf.


2 weeks is a long time. I think he liked to play but did not want to leave his gf for you.

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hi, i see you are new too!! i found a post you posted so i will help you here since you are helping me, ya OOPs i replied to my own post as a guest!! ok lets see your situation...

i think he thinks you are beautiful, and the whole vibe i go t from the text was this-sounds like the text was a peacemaker kinda ya know? well first HOW OLD IS HE?

k cuz that will help out here, i am thinking that maybe he intentionally asked for your friends number to **** with you, so whats his age ..

well as far as you both being in a relationship then if you and this guy talk again the conversation should go something like this...

'well we are both in relationships, do you and i want to get to know eachother better'

'if so, then lets both go talk to our others/

maybe ask your others if they have been feeling like seeing other people, dont jump into this though if you say the wrong thing first you will surely lose what you got... you know??? dont say anything yet!!!!!!!!!!OK!!!!!!!!!


so you see dating and all that why you are younger to me is just this...

experiencing, finding what you like and dont like, and if you find mr. right on the way you are lucky, you are young, experience a lot so when you settle down you are confident and secure, you know???

what else was i going to ask...

so is the text still the last time you talked??

well lets keep things straight here, you got a name for you boyfrind and the guy across the street, or i will just call you and guy at hotels boyfriend and girlfriend others.... got to keep it straight you know, k peace out






Hey, thanks for helping out! Well my boyfriends name is frank and the boy across the street at the hotel (crush) is scott and my friend who he asked for her number is Krystal. Lol..... oh and my boyfriends 19 and scott is 20 and krystal is 17! noy even legal! lol, but No i still havent talked to him since the text message. Actually today when i was walking to work, he saw me and then i was walking into the spa and he was across the street and i think he was watching me as i went into the spa, then later i was out side smoking a cigg. this morning at work and he drove by on a golf cart (lol) and my back was towards him untill he passed me.... he didnt even stop to say hi or anything.... and i was by myself. SOOOOO, whatever.


And about the text... do you u think he did it to **** with my i dont no why he would want to **** things up bye doing that, because we had such good talks in the car before i left and he made it sound to me that hes been attracted form the day he seen me. And he was so happy that we were finally speaking... and it sucks that i had to leave for italy for two weeks. And he KEEP telling im NOT a player. He even has the tatoo on his back that say only god could judge me. IM SOOO confused. It sucks that i have to work knowing he is somwere out there.. lol..


Thanks for helping!!

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He thinks you are beautiful but he is backing off because of possible guilt of messing around while he still has a gf.


2 weeks is a long time. I think he liked to play but did not want to leave his gf for you.



Thats def. Possabile but when we were talking before i left he asked if he would have to break up with his g/f for me and him to get to know eachother and i told him, if your not aloud to have friends then that would help, b/c we do need to get to know eachother before making quick decions like breaking up with our partners if we dont even no eachother or were its gonna land. But he told me he would be willing to and i kinda just left it at "will see when i get from italy, were everyhting takes us." And he agreed. and that was that. He kept trying to kiss me and I was like umm.. no no, and hes like come on two weeks is a long time im gonna miss you.. and im like we'll that will keep ya waiting huh.. and i gave him a hug and that was that? ARRR... 2 weeks is a long time monday will be two weeks. I keep looking on my phone for a text from him or a voise mail, but it just isnt happening.


It prob. was just for play... and it wasnt happen like that so i dont understand why i care.


Hopfully you can help me out with that hun, thanks!!!

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Hey, thanks for helping out! Well my boyfriends name is frank and the boy across the street at the hotel (crush) is scott and my friend who he asked for her number is Krystal. Lol..... oh and my boyfriends 19 and scott is 20 and krystal is 17! noy even legal! lol, but No i still havent talked to him since the text message. Actually today when i was walking to work, he saw me and then i was walking into the spa and he was across the street and i think he was watching me as i went into the spa, then later i was out side smoking a cigg. this morning at work and he drove by on a golf cart (lol) and my back was towards him untill he passed me.... he didnt even stop to say hi or anything.... and i was by myself. SOOOOO, whatever.


And about the text... do you u think he did it to **** with my i dont no why he would want to **** things up bye doing that, because we had such good talks in the car before i left and he made it sound to me that hes been attracted form the day he seen me. And he was so happy that we were finally speaking... and it sucks that i had to leave for italy for two weeks. And he KEEP telling im NOT a player. He even has the tatoo on his back that say only god could judge me. IM SOOO confused. It sucks that i have to work knowing he is somwere out there.. lol..


Thanks for helping!!

naw i think the text was sincere

i think he was talkin to krystal to mess with you.)

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then later i was out side smoking a cigg. this morning at work and he drove by on a golf cart (lol) and my back was towards him untill he passed me.... he didnt even stop to say hi or anything.... and i was by myself. SOOOOO, whatever.



sound like you like him though, feelings aww
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anyways ya sounds like you guys are both confused, you sound like me with my situation, huh. hm . **** that sux, i am sorry well go ahead and get a vibe on frank in the meantime so in case scott makes a move you know more atleast, feel him out, see if scott was willing to break up with gf then think about it just in case, ****s crazy sounding huh. i dont know thats tough, cuz i am single and so is he, but you know one of my gf's thinks that we don't choose who we like and i just wonder you know about this guy and i feel it s gotta be mutual, you and scott remind me of that anyway, sounds like mutual frustration/confusion, maybe we dont choose who we like, i dont know what the **** i really hope i dont think bout him for 72 hours though or i might have to admit myself to the ward!


so you say whatever, but i think you otta feel out your boyfriend and figure that out while scott gives you space, i dont know its rough we will see what else he acts like next, this scott, i would hate to see ya lose something good for something bad, soul search yourself and def once you know what you want tell frank right away, there's someone out there for him maybe if scott is for you maybe!?!?!?:o uh dunno, **** it sux, well stay true to yourself, have a good day. i know that was some late night rant up there but hopefully it made sense to you?!!!!! k latezzz

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Heyy! life treatin my pretty sucky with scott! LOl, of course.


I just want to grab him and talk to him for hours about what happend, but i no thats not gonna happen anytime soon, or maybe never. But im sick of always looking at my cell phone every sec to see if he called or texted me, its been like two weeks. Im just gonna let it go and get over it, We never no what the hours or days can bring us, its all just one big surprise, so untill then thanks so much for helping me out with my situation, and i will def. let you no if anything new happends with the scott and me situation! Thanks for everything



talk to you soon

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ya sheot! well i know exactly how that feels, but i did call my guy and leave a phone message because of what a guy on here said, and what a couple guy friends i have here said, to call. so i did dudes were tellin me, twisting me arms!! and what you said,

and you know i think you are like me in that calling him, i wasnt going to call my guy cuz i thought i was being strong by not calling him, well after i called him i felt a lot better even though we havent or may not ever talk, its like my friend said that gave me his phone and made me go call, he said'well the balls in his court now' and i feel stronger for calling and he is right it is in his court now, if the feeling is mutual it is on him now to persue, so something to think about, you might just feel better putting the ball in his court, but then you would have to be prepared as far as him contacting you and be prepared in the sense of what you would do with your b/f , so call and leave a message or text, you might feel better but then with you you have to be prepared, so anyways i just wanted to share that with you cuz i really didnt expect to feel better after calling and i did, i still think everything sux and stuff but i feel a little better ya know!!

well i know it sounded like you already had your mind made up, but thats that, you are young which makes things more confusing i think cuz who is the one? ? ;) ok sorry to tell you that cuz you have your mind made up, but i decided to tell you cuz i couldnt believe that i actually felt better after leaving message, even if unanswered, k

let me know ,


k girl, take care of yourself,

peace out!!!!!!

p.s. atleast now i have a reason to look at my phone i left a message.


did you know you rock!!!!! ya it is all a big surprise, and stuff that was cool, and i have completely let love go lots and it does come back, but this time i am trying something new cuz i would look at years from now him and i hooking up and seeing the last years not together as wasted time.

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Hey!! good, i'am so happy for you. Now the ball is in his court and you do not have to worry now as much, if he dosnt call you back you kno that you tired and theres nothin eles you can do but get over his sorry ass. lol... Good im proud of you.


Well... this is what is going down with me and Scott... I only see him now and then at work.. and i seen him 2 days ago when i had to run somthing to the hotel after closing work and it was like 15 mins eariler then i was suppose to close but w/e well when i got of the car guess who was standing there... scott... and he was on "his phone".. well I got out of my car and when i walked by him i smiled and he said a blank face on just starring at me.. lol... so i hit his arm like "hey whats up" when i walked by and went into the hotel.. so then i went into the hotel and droped off what i needed to drop off and i was so excitied b/c i was like yes, we finally gonna talk. Well... I walked back out and he was still there playing on his phone.. he had it to his ear but wasnt talking to anyone lol, so i looked at him when i went passed him, but he just staired at me... and he didnt send a signal to talk so i just kept walking.. got into my car.. and he was still starring (on his phone) so i looked at him when i drove past, but then i smiled and looked away when i went past him... and then i looked in my rear veiw mirror and i saw him look at my car then walk back inside..? DOES THAT MAKE SENCE TO YOU.. What does that mean lol...It was perfect timing to talk! He prob. just dosnt want to. But he did tell me when we were talking that he is extremly shy.. which i can tell but holly **** lol. THEN, i was driving and i forgot to turn the Steam rooms off b/c i left early and i had to go back.. I tried to avoid seeing him again cuz that would be just weird so i went back to work turnd the steam off then when i was leaving he was out by the dumpsters smoking a cigg... on the phone. lol.. so i dont no what to draw from that. That was two days ago and i thought he would text me and be like why u hitting me like that or somthing cute but he never did. :( Help me with that one! I saw some new cute girls that work at the hotel and hes prob. talking to them now.. And i feel so bad b/c of frankie.. But im so annyoed that he never calls me anymore lol. I donno, I thought i was over it but im working on it.



Thanks sooo much, your really a great help!

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Sorry s**ts so long, but i forgot to say that I would love to call him but under our circumstances that we both work at the same place every singal day and how he ****ed things up not me. Like when i call him how do i start the convo off.. lol im still mad at him, but then again i feel sooo stupid and bad b.c i really didnt have a good reason to get mad. I prob. scared him off. But i wasnt yelling at him on the phone he was yelling at me pretty much, i was just being a smart ass and saying i dont care lol. SO....... I dont think i could call him. I just wish he would call me. But hes a player i guess..


Thanks sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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well **** i forgot you work together. well if he said he was shy , i bet he made it a point to tell you that. so you would know. well so you will have to initiate something.

but the work thing, **** what is his position? is it one of those jobs the chances are high that one of you might not work there anymore one day in the future, cuz as from my experience work really f's things up anyways, besides the other thing you got against you.

maybe if you see him just ask him,

can we talk?

you see i dont know though, cuz i asked my guy that and he just avoided me

or maybe say- you and your girl still together, that will prob atleast get you an answer.

is he a player? is mine a player? o those f'rs!!!!!!!!!!

k what was that thought i just had, dunno itll come back

maybe tell him when the day comes one of dont work here anymore, can we say right now that we will meet up. kinda leaves things open and will leave you both thinkin til that day comes, or tell him that you heard work can mess things up and dont want to get into anything right now, and could we hang out after work one day?


well there's a few ideas anyway, any of em fit??

as far as the phone thing goes the other day where you kept passing him,i would say he is interested, and confused

and frankie, what about him how are you guys? have you asked him if he thinks of others or anything?

well **** sorry dont think i was much of a help this time but my ears are open!!

good day!


ya i am sorry that sux to feel like you are feeling, yeah this sux. awww so sowwy ****

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Looks like this Thread has become quite the twosome. Firstly IG if you really like this guys Scott you have to flirt back a little better. Send him a text message out of the blue saying that you think he’s hot or something, that should get things going again. Its kind of cute that you think about this one guy so much.

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aw , kmt was cool!! how r you? i am letting that thread go away that had my guy prob on it, i wrote nother post for 30's guys, and about him also, so i need to let them things go to the next page!!


How's it going? wish ya the best!

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U must be sad, a little depressed but kinda relieved cuz u didn't get to do anything with him n it doesn't count as cheating. I went through this, ur right its just a crush but u'll always be wondering wat if? wat if he's the one, or "what if he'll make me happier." If ur really INLOVE with ur bf I don't think u'd be thinking about this guy so much, ur bf must be doing something wrong cuz it ain't enough anymore. Maybe ur bored with him, or just want to explore a little. I think u need to act hard, and act like it didn't bother u that he asked ur friend for her #, y??? becuz guys hate jealousy!!!!!!!! They move away from that. Clearly he still likes u if he still tells u ur beautiful. Make him want u! Fix urself up the prettiest for work, FLIRT! FLIRT! FLIRT! Make him JEALOUS. Although he may not show it, he'll be dying inside if he sees u talking friendly with some other guy. Show him ur worth something, something he can't afford to pass down. REMEMBER we're capable of getting everything we want, it's just how bad u want it.

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