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Whether she "kind of liked" you or not, he was still her boyfriend. What she's done with her ex does not involve you. She had no obligation to you or to think about what she might have to tell you later.


Would it have mattered if she'd done it at the beginning of the relationship? Or does it bother you because you feel in a sense that she "cheated" on you because she was with him when she liked you?


The thing I'd be most worried about is that she "kind of liked" you while she had a boyfriend. What do you mean by that? What exactly were the circumstances here? How long did this last before she broke up with him? How do you know she liked you? Is that the reason she broke up with him? Were you guys seeing each other?


Edit: Well, I guess since you removed your post while I was writing, you changed your mind about wanting advice, but I'm still going to leave my response for you.

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Yes but why do you think about it?


Is it because it makes you think she's dirty? Because you feel like she was betraying you and you can't trust her? Some other reason?


Once you figure out why it bothers you, you can determine if it's something about your gf that you should be worried about or whether it's just a hang-up you have that you should work out yourself. Once you figure out why, then you can figure out how to deal with the problem.

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