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selfless love is just an illusion

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You're more or less saying the exact same thing, yet in a different, well-worded non offensive way OC...;):p


I'm sorry, I wasn't intending offense.

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You're more or less saying the exact same thing, yet in a different, well-worded non offensive way OC..


No I'm not, actually. I'm saying that silk's post reminded me that I have questions. I haven't concluded anything yet. I won't until I see the answers.

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LS frowns on people calling posters scammers. But certainly the question of how he can be in such good health that he's going off for a weekend so soon after waking from a coma had occurred. I, too, have been very surprised that he can go to friends' houses and basically seem to have no physical limitations.


I also have to wonder how a head injury severe enough to cause a 17 month coma could not leave residual damage of some sort. Would there not be problems with walking or talking or reason?


How could a person get whacked on the head that hard and wake up like Sleeping Beauty, undamaged???


To the best of my knowledge, Ayurveda and Yoga are both therapeutic and are not physically stressful.


And being taken to a friends place, and spending a couple of days there is hardly something that will test your physical abilities, is it?

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I think that CO123 is taking things really quickly. You just woke up after 17 months!!! I can't wake up after 8 hrs. and make an easy decision for at least 45 min. But I understand your need for clarity on the situation. I do wonder if you've trully forgiven her. I mean if your this confused about what to do that your here posting back and forth your clearly confused about what you want. Its ok if you don't want to be with her because you feel like she doesn't meet your standards. Not needs, or wants, but standards. Every one's relationships are based on standards, your family, friends, co-workers, SO's, spouses. If she doesn't meet yours and this situation is what brought that fact to your attention, then fine, get out.


But if really you don't want to be with her because what she's done upsets you, and you don't want to deal with the aftermath of the situation she's put you both in then that's wrong. Because it kinda proves that you haven't really forgiven her. Indifference would say "hey I've forgiven you but now I would like to go on my way without you, but the best of luck to you." And then a speedy divorce. But getting nauseated because your in her presence, she touched you, etc., etc., means your upsets with her and it hurts you becaaue you do care. So please do slow down.


Not that I know you better than you know yourself or anything but, obviously, you never know what the future holds. Once your past the shock and at least a bit of the pain you might start to want to be friends with her, who knows what that could lead to. Even with the baby. The baby may turn out to be reminder that she loved you enough to put it all on the line, instead of a painful reminder that she (at least in your opinion, and yours is the only one that counts) messed up terribly. Just take your time and really understand your feelings first.

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The baby may turn out to be reminder that she loved you enough to put it all on the line, instead of a painful reminder that she (at least in your opinion, and yours is the only one that counts) messed up terribly.


Queenbee, That is a really new way of lookinhg at it. I hadn't thought of it that way, but looking at it, it could also be viewed that way. CO123, please give it a thought. But like Queenbee said, your's is the only opinion that counts.



I wanted to write a post myself too, but didn't quite know how to put my thoughts into words in an organised manner. But I will try


I am going back to my theme of understanding human behaviour. Sex, is used by all of us sometimes for reasons other than sexual gratification. People also use sex as a means of relieving stress or to let out steam, so to say.


Please let me tell you a couple of incidents that I know of, including my own. These are behaviour which we wouldn't have in everyday life.


I am good friends with a couple. They are both doctors. They have been married for 22 years, and have 3 kids. They are loving, considerate, & sincere couple (to the best of my knowledge, and I know them for a long time). Well, they got married while studying for medicine in the same university. But after a couple of years when they passed out, they didnt get admission for residency in the same place, they got italmost on opposite sides of the country. Please bear in mind that they were dealing with multiple consequtive shifts, stress, etc.. and to top it all they couldnt be for each other, either in person, or by phone ( shifts, timings, exhaustion,,,etc). They were always strung out and started taking it out on each other. finally during one of the rare times that they got together, they talked and made a joint decision to remove the "exclucivity factor" in their relationship till they finished their residency. They decided that they will not quiz the other about anything related to this. I can tell you, that even today that neither of them wants to know if the other used their freedom at that time. Well, I wouldn’t have done something like that, but it worked for them. They said that they didn’t think that their marriage would have survived for that 3 years under the stress that both of them were under. Well life is good for them now, and they are happy with each other and very loving and devoted to each other. Like I said, I wouldn’t have don’t it, but it worked for them.

Another case is another friend of mine ( I have been friends with her for over 20 years). She is a nice, “prim & proper” lady, with a good job, and respected in the community. She confessed to me that while she was going through a stressful and messy divorce and custody battle, she used the services of an escort agency 5-6 times. Again I don’t think it was something she would have done under normal circumstances.

Even in my case, I have found that in times when I’m under a lot of stress, my sexual activity also increases. If I am in a relationship, I am aggressive sexually with my partner. And if I am not in a relationship, I’ve found that that’s the time I have bouts of meaningless physical interaction. From my own experience, it is not about sexual gratification, but a way of letting out steam. It is similar to being in a pressure cooker, and you use sex like lifting the weight to let out steam. Physical gratification is not what I was after, but mental relief. Any physical gratification was a byproduct. It was more like you are lighting a fire to warm yourself, and you also get light from the fire.

While we were single in our cases, one thing that is similar is that your wife was under considerable stress too. If you associate her actions as seeking physical gratification (considering you watched their tape), then it could also be using sex as mental relief and any physical gratification being only a byproduct, a normal bodily reaction.

While I am not certain these are the reasons, I only wanted to give you food for thought.

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Sex, is used by all of us sometimes for reasons other than sexual gratification. People also use sex as a means of relieving stress or to let out steam, so to say.


In other words... 'Everyone uses other people sexually in order to gratify themselves emotionally'??? :confused:

Is that what you're saying?


If so, I have to heartily disagree. I don't go around using other people to make me feel better about myself or my situation. My close personal friends don't. My sister doesn't. In fact, I can only think of just a couple of examples of people I know in the real world who do.


Either I must run with a REALLY upstanding crowd... or it's not the norm for adults to use random people in this manner. :confused:


I wouldn't describe an intimate emotional/physical relationship in terms of use. People who enjoy that kind of intimacy are both giving and receiving physical closeness. And while I agree that good sex is a terrific stress reliever, it doesn't necessarily follow that one person is merely using the other for easing their own tension. Even in cases of lopsided libido, where it might seem on the surface that this is the case, we usually find that the person of greater drive is attempting to make a deeper emotional connection.


I think it's possible that in cases where people use others to fulfill their emotional needs, we're looking at folks who don't have emotional self-reliance or who are young enough that they haven't developed self-control.


Certainly, when I was a younger woman I didn't have good self-control. In my natural state, I'm hot-tempered and impulsive. But over the years, I've learned to take charge of my emotions. They don't run my life anymore. ;)


I think alot of us can identify with making mistakes in youth. I can sympathize quite a bit with CO's wife because I REMEMBER making a few poor choices that ended up hurting someone. I know what it's like to regret a decision and to not be able to change it.


"And if you can't be with the one you love.... love the one you're with, love the one you're with.":bunny: :bunny: :bunny:


An old refrain from Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young.... not only easily recognized by it's melody, but easily recognized in our hearts too. A WHOLE BUNCH of us can relate to having 'loved the one we were with' rather than holding out for the one we love. Having experienced it for myself, and having viewed the results in hindsight... I now see this behavior as emotionally immature.


More people than not will eventually outgrow it. They'll learn to be emotionally self-reliant. They'll learn to depend on themselves rather than upon other people for their sense of completion. They'll learn to be accountable for the promises they make to others.


Failure to do all that when a person is young though... doesn't necessarily mean that they won't ever learn it and be self-reliant later in life. But it doesn't mean that they WILL learn it either. I know people who are in thier 60's who don't have much more 'Emotional IQ' than some other folks who are 16.


It could be that CO's wife has made a youthful mistake that won't reflect on her character for all time. Or, it could be that she'll never be sufficiant unto herself. Time will tell. And I think both these folks should take some time before they recommit themselves.


To look at it from the other side of the coin for a minute... I wouldn't want to be with someone who might harbor ill-will toward me and my child for the rest of my life, regardless of whatever mistake I had made. People are only willing to 'live in the doghouse' for so long. I wouldn't want to always wonder if I was accepted fully, or if my child was feeling truly loved and integral within the family unit.


These folks need to take their time, IMHO. They have a new opportunity to assess each other for compatibility after having experienced adversity. The relationship dynamics are 'on the table', warts and all, for both of them to see. They can decide to 'work through' what they have before them, or to move on and begin something new. But I think they'll each be more satisfied with their decision if they allow themselves sufficient time in making it.

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To the best of my knowledge, Ayurveda and Yoga are both therapeutic and are not physically stressful.


And being taken to a friends place, and spending a couple of days there is hardly something that will test your physical abilities, is it?


I've practiced yoga for 5 years and IMO yoga is physically stressful and should never, ever, be practiced by an individual who has been ill for a long time without the regular supervision of a doctor and a yoga instructor. I also do a wide variety of yoga styles, from ashtanga to hatha to iyengar, and I even tried bikram a time or two... so I have some experience regarding the various styles.


My own practice was interrupted for several months due to a sub acute seizure cluster that last for 10 days, and I had to re learn how to walk, talk, write, and many other basic activities. It took many months for this, and I wasn't able to type on a computer for sure!! I wasn't really able to take care of myself for about a year.


I didn't return to regular practice until this year, and my seizure cluster was in 2003.


I'm just saying.

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'Everyone uses other people sexually in order to gratify themselves emotionally'???

Is that what you're saying?


I didn't see that. At all.

If so, I have to heartily disagree. I don't go around using other people to make me feel better about myself or my situation. My close personal friends don't. My sister doesn't. In fact, I can only think of just a couple of examples of people I know in the real world who do.


Well that's you. And your friends. That they've told you about. Usually people who've done something like that feel pretty bad afterward and don't go about bleating about it to anyone who'll listen.


People choose all sorts of maladaptive coping strategies. Sure, these things are mistakes, but MISTAKE means exactly that one doesn't do it deliberately to cause harm or damage. If you are wrapped up in a ball of misery, sometimes you can't see past yourself enough to even remember that someone else might someday care about what you're doing.


Now remember, nobody's saying these things happen lightly. But in situations of extreme stress/pain, I think it's unfair to be quite that judgmental. Think of people who commit suicide. Same thing - so miserable they're not even thinking straight. Do a bad thing that hurts others. But most of them are in no shape to even think of that.

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People choose all sorts of maladaptive coping strategies. Sure, these things are mistakes, but MISTAKE means exactly that one doesn't do it deliberately to cause harm or damage. If you are wrapped up in a ball of misery, sometimes you can't see past yourself enough to even remember that someone else might someday care about what you're doing.


Now remember, nobody's saying these things happen lightly. But in situations of extreme stress/pain, I think it's unfair to be quite that judgmental. Think of people who commit suicide. Same thing - so miserable they're not even thinking straight. Do a bad thing that hurts others. But most of them are in no shape to even think of that.


So, where does the responsibility for the behavior rest then? Does it rest on the shoulders of the one who chose it... or on the shoulders of the unconscious guy? :confused:


Sure, mistakes happen. People sometimes cope poorly, true again. But there's no 'get out of jail free' card in real life. We're each still ultimately accountable for our actions regardless of WHY we took them. Forgiveness is not automatic when you hurt someone, even if there was an understandable excuse.


This guy shouldn't be pressured to be responsible for someone else's mistake. He didn't select the behavior.

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of the one who chose it


If you are desperate because you are overwhelmed with emotion, you are not making a 'choice' in any sense, particularly the sense of weighing options and picking one rationally. However people who have never for one moment suffered from overwhelming grief or depression or any other all-consuming emotion are generally unable to empathize. Unfortunately.


If you've never lost yourself that way, you don't understand how you don't even know who you are in situations like that.


Again, we're not talking an everyday occurrence here so it's not valid, IMHO, to use the 'slippery slope' type arguments.

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I've practiced yoga for 5 years and IMO yoga is physically stressful and should never, ever, be practiced by an individual who has been ill for a long time without the regular supervision of a doctor and a yoga instructor. I also do a wide variety of yoga styles, from ashtanga to hatha to iyengar, and I even tried bikram a time or two... so I have some experience regarding the various styles.




When you practised yoga for 5 years, you must have also come accross mantras & Pranayama (breating exercises), with focus to meditation rather that physical exertion. Maybe those are styles you are yet to experience.


I'm also just saying

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....people who have never for one moment suffered from overwhelming grief or depression or any other all-consuming emotion are generally unable to empathize. Unfortunately.


Who's lacking in empathy? :confused:

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Why must it be either/or? BOTH are in pain; BOTH deserve a large amount of empathy, IMHO. However a lot of people seem to be taking sides; which includes vilifying the 'other side'. And that, I think, is not fair.

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Why must it be either/or? BOTH are in pain; BOTH deserve a large amount of empathy, IMHO. However a lot of people seem to be taking sides; which includes vilifying the 'other side'. And that, I think, is not fair.


This ALMOST looks like an attitude that a cheater, or a former cheater would have, ALMOST!

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Waking up from a coma is not what people generally understand from seeing it in the movies or on television. Regaining consciousness is a slow process that sometimes takes weeks. The state of being in a coma is not a black and white situation, where a comatose person suddenly awakens 17 months later and is able to leave the hospital 6 days later. From personal experience, I know a cousin of mine who about 8 years ago woke up from a 3 1/2 month long coma after a bad car accident. When he regained consciousness and was somewhat aware that something bad had happened to him, he did not physically leave the hospital until 9 weeks later including being transferred to a rehabilitation facility were he started his physical therapy. Till this day he is not able to function well physically or mentally without assitance.


My cousin was not able to respond to verbal commands. In fact, he physically was not able to control any of his muscle movements due to the inactivity he had for 3 1/2 months. he would need many many months of physical therapy which was grueling and draining for even a marathon runner who was in tip top shape before the accident occured. Of course I understand not all people are the same, but for the most part people are not the same after a brain injury. Your motorskills do not just pick-up and go right were you left off before the accident... It really does take months of intense physical therapy.



Now, I mean this with the most respect possible for CO123, how is it you were able to leave a hospital so soon without any intense physical therapy? I read your first post and you wrote you left the hospital after 6 days from waking up from your coma and were going out for a walk after 9 days. You were even able to remember every single detail before and after your accident. My cousin was not able to recognize his own parents let alone even communicate with them, not until a speech therapist and a trauma specialist was able to help him and that took weeks. Learning to walk, talk, read, write, eat with silverware, type on computer etc. has been an on-going battle he has still not been able to completely re-learn. In other words my cousin has been out of a coma for about 8 years and he still needs physical therapy at least once a week.



I am very sceptical of this story, I find it hard to believe anybody could recover as quickly as you have. I've done some research on people who have been in comas and it seems like your average person will not recover and go on to lead as normal life as you have had so far (I mean physically and mentally) it's too soon. Then again you might be the exception, and I apologize in advance. I felt compelled to write this post, because I have found most of these people who give advice on this forum are sincere and truly want to help, please do not take advantage of peoples good nature and willingness to help. Again I apologize and do not mean to offend you if I am wrong, but I felt I had to write this.

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Don't write him off yet. He did say he was going away to a friend's place. And, I'm sure if he is back, he's read the comments by some, got abit miffed and decided not to come back. I just hope he's okay, and that he posts an update.

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Hi all,


I came back 2 days ago. I had read the thread and did not feel like posting, solely because I didn’t feel like getting into a slanging match. But with the last poster’s post, I thought I will just write my side, otherwise it will keep on eating away in me & bugging me.


Many people have said that I have not been open about my medical conditions. That is because I didn’t want to discuss it due to privacy reasons. You don’t know how much information you can get by doing a google search with intelligently chosen keywords. For eg. Just use this search string on google and look at the result. - resort + coma + "17 months"


People like you guys wont be able to know who I was or anything like that, but people who know me in real life can realize whose story it is, and nothing is private then. As such, I am opening up my emotions here at this risk, but I don’t want to open up my medical file also.


And moreover if I wanted to discuss the medical side of things, then I would have started this thread under “general health & wellbeing” section. I wanted to discuss about a specific area, and that’s where I started this thread.


Saying all that I thought I will write this one post, and this one post only, to answer some of these questions. If even after that you have doubts about the genuineness of the case, then so be it. I haven’t ever tried to plead with anyone to reconsider their position on the genuineness of this thread. I am not going to start now.


His indication is that he awoke in June and was basically immediately released from the hospital and began wandering around town on his own. Seventeen months of no use of his muscles, I'm sorry, but the man would not even be able to walk, let alone go around by himself.


Well, I used the term hospital in a generic way, but if you read my later posts then you will realize that I was not in a hospital, but in a private care/recovery facility. And I wasn’t moving about on my own, I was always taken by someone and always accompanied by someone (even now). The only time I wasn’t accompanied by someone was when I took a short taxi trip, much later, to meet my wife at a friends place.


CO123 has not stated how severe the coma was (where on the Glasgow scale). Nor has he stated what the doctors were telling his family. A 17 month coma is EXTREMELY long.



I told you that I didn’t want to go into my medical file because of above mentioned reasons. But for your info, my last GCS reading was - GCS 9 = E2 V3 M4. But since you have already done your research you will know that Doctors use RLAS more to assess patients in coma due to head injuries. I have been told that the reason for my coma was bleeding in the brain.


Now, again, (I'm sorry, but I really think this story is fake), supposedly CO123 just "woke up" apparently unexpectedly while his wife was on a cruise with this other guy whose baby she was expecting. Coma patients don't "just wake up". It's a very gradual process, beginning with opening their eyes. The process can take a number of days or even weeks. Again, the longer in a coma, the longer waking up takes.



LS frowns on people calling posters scammers. But certainly the question of how he can be in such good health that he's going off for a weekend so soon after waking from a coma had occurred. I, too, have been very surprised that he can go to friends' houses and basically seem to have no physical limitations.


I also have to wonder how a head injury severe enough to cause a 17 month coma could not leave residual damage of some sort. Would there not be problems with walking or talking or reason?


How could a person get whacked on the head that hard and wake up like Sleeping Beauty, undamaged???


Note that some of the people do it vanish!


But I am interested in the medical points. It sounds as though you have some experience with this kind of issue. I'll be really interested to hear what the OP says about the results of having a head injury.


I've been knocked out a few times, once landing in the hospital for a week from a head injury, so I had enough interest to look into it in the past.


No I'm not, actually. I'm saying that silk's post reminded me that I have questions. I haven't concluded anything yet. I won't until I see the answers.


Waking up from a coma is not what people generally understand from seeing it in the movies or on television. Regaining consciousness is a slow process that sometimes takes weeks. The state of being in a coma is not a black and white situation, where a comatose person suddenly awakens 17 months later and is able to leave the hospital 6 days later.


Now, I mean this with the most respect possible for CO123, how is it you were able to leave a hospital so soon without any intense physical therapy?

I am very sceptical of this story, I find it hard to believe anybody could recover as quickly as you have. I've done some research on people who have been in comas and it seems like your average person will not recover and go on to lead as normal life as you have had so far (I mean physically and mentally) it's too soon. Then again you might be the exception, and I apologize in advance. I felt compelled to write this post, because I have found most of these people who give advice on this forum are sincere and truly want to help, please do not take advantage of peoples good nature and willingness to help. Again I apologize and do not mean to offend you if I am wrong, but I felt I had to write this.



If you read my post you will realize that I too didn’t just wake up. Even after I realized what was happening I took a couple of days to gain consciousness. This was not the first time that I showed signs that I was recovering. It happened twice before, once in January, the second time in March. But both those times, I didn’t progress to recovery.


And I had, and still do, intense physical therapy. I spent about 4 hrs every day in physical exercise just in the pool.


From personal experience, I know a cousin of mine who about 8 years ago woke up from a 3 1/2 month long coma after a bad car accident. When he regained consciousness and was somewhat aware that something bad had happened to him, he did not physically leave the hospital until 9 weeks later including being transferred to a rehabilitation facility were he started his physical therapy. Till this day he is not able to function well physically or mentally without assitance.


My cousin was not able to respond to verbal commands. In fact, he physically was not able to control any of his muscle movements due to the inactivity he had for 3 1/2 months. he would need many many months of physical therapy which was grueling and draining for even a marathon runner who was in tip top shape before the accident occured. Of course I understand not all people are the same, but for the most part people are not the same after a brain injury. Your motorskills do not just pick-up and go right were you left off before the accident... It really does take months of intense physical therapy.



Now, I mean this with the most respect possible for CO123, how is it you were able to leave a hospital so soon without any intense physical therapy? I read your first post and you wrote you left the hospital after 6 days from waking up from your coma and were going out for a walk after 9 days. You were even able to remember every single detail before and after your accident. My cousin was not able to recognize his own parents let alone even communicate with them, not until a speech therapist and a trauma specialist was able to help him and that took weeks. Learning to walk, talk, read, write, eat with silverware, type on computer etc. has been an on-going battle he has still not been able to completely re-learn. In other words my cousin has been out of a coma for about 8 years and he still needs physical therapy at least once a week.



I am very sceptical of this story, I find it hard to believe anybody could recover as quickly as you have. I've done some research on people who have been in comas and it seems like your average person will not recover and go on to lead as normal life as you have had so far (I mean physically and mentally) it's too soon. Then again you might be the exception, and I apologize in advance. I felt compelled to write this post, because I have found most of these people who give advice on this forum are sincere and truly want to help, please do not take advantage of peoples good nature and willingness to help. Again I apologize and do not mean to offend you if I am wrong, but I felt I had to write this.


I am sorry to hear about your cousin, I wish him a speedy recovery.


If you ask your cousin’s doctor then he might be able tell you that every human body respond to treatment and illness differently. We all don’t go through the same paths for recovery. Oh, and Outcast- that applies to flu as well.


That is all I wish to say about my medical condition. I am not going to respond any more on that side. Like I had said before, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I am not going to try to change anyone’s point of view. I have nothing to gain from doing that, but have to waste a lot of time and energy doing that. Both those resources are very precious to me now.


And for those of who believe my thread, and those who don’t consider it a waste of time, I will update you soon. Oh, and I had a good vacation, and I am much more relaxed.

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I'm glad you posted and did an update. And that you had a restful vacation!


You're in my thoughts and keep on taking care of you CO123.

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Waking up from a coma is not what people generally understand from seeing it in the movies or on television. Regaining consciousness is a slow process that sometimes takes weeks. The state of being in a coma is not a black and white situation, where a comatose person suddenly awakens 17 months later and is able to leave the hospital 6 days later. From personal experience, I know a cousin of mine who about 8 years ago woke up from a 3 1/2 month long coma after a bad car accident. When he regained consciousness and was somewhat aware that something bad had happened to him, he did not physically leave the hospital until 9 weeks later including being transferred to a rehabilitation facility were he started his physical therapy. Till this day he is not able to function well physically or mentally without assitance.


My cousin was not able to respond to verbal commands. In fact, he physically was not able to control any of his muscle movements due to the inactivity he had for 3 1/2 months. he would need many many months of physical therapy which was grueling and draining for even a marathon runner who was in tip top shape before the accident occured. Of course I understand not all people are the same, but for the most part people are not the same after a brain injury. Your motorskills do not just pick-up and go right were you left off before the accident... It really does take months of intense physical therapy.



Now, I mean this with the most respect possible for CO123, how is it you were able to leave a hospital so soon without any intense physical therapy? I read your first post and you wrote you left the hospital after 6 days from waking up from your coma and were going out for a walk after 9 days. You were even able to remember every single detail before and after your accident. My cousin was not able to recognize his own parents let alone even communicate with them, not until a speech therapist and a trauma specialist was able to help him and that took weeks. Learning to walk, talk, read, write, eat with silverware, type on computer etc. has been an on-going battle he has still not been able to completely re-learn. In other words my cousin has been out of a coma for about 8 years and he still needs physical therapy at least once a week.



I am very sceptical of this story, I find it hard to believe anybody could recover as quickly as you have. I've done some research on people who have been in comas and it seems like your average person will not recover and go on to lead as normal life as you have had so far (I mean physically and mentally) it's too soon. Then again you might be the exception, and I apologize in advance. I felt compelled to write this post, because I have found most of these people who give advice on this forum are sincere and truly want to help, please do not take advantage of peoples good nature and willingness to help. Again I apologize and do not mean to offend you if I am wrong, but I felt I had to write this.



Yep, his muscles would atrophy. That's what happens to anyone in a vegetative state for months. He would need months of physical therapy to recoup muscle loss and be able to operate nearest to what his ability was before the incident.

I'm not buying any of this at all.

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