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cs and a new marrigae

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Good day everyone,


I need some advice and my new boyfriend found your site and thought it would be a good place to ask my question.

He and I are getting serious which is great, he is the best.He is very supportive of my son, from my ex, who is currenty paying child support.My new love mentions marriage every now and again.I would love to marry him.But my hesitation is this....my ex pays child support if i get married does he get out of paying child support?

I feel that my ex should have to live up to his financial obligations to our son, and should not be allowed to get away, sort of speak, with not paying since it does take 2 to make a child.

I would like to know what advice you may have...Thank you for your time.

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Not sure what country, state or province you are in. The term dependant applies so as long as they are his dependant he has to pay, regardless of what you do in your love life.


In Canada for example the standard is that you pay child support as long as they are his dependent children...which is until they turn 18, finish university, or basically when they (children) stop asking him for money. :)

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I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't lose child support, but it's possible that you would lose any alimony payments. You should call your divorce lawyer, they will be able to tell you the specifics.

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I feel that my ex should have to live up to his financial obligations to our son, and should not be allowed to get away, sort of speak, with not paying...


In every state and country I know of, spousal support ends at remarriage but child support is unaffected by it for precisely the reason you cited. It's his child, not someone else's and he'll be obligated until the divorce order says otherwise.


Read your settlement agreement. That should specify at what age and under what circumstances CS ends. Remarriage won't change that.

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