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long story

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Hello I have a story to tell. I'll make it as quick as possible. First off I have no problems meeting women. I have had lots of dates and some girlfriends here and there. The problem is its 2 week thing or shorter than that. AS you can see im in a runt. I even tried to be too nice or a ******* never really can get in the middle. Although with girls im not interested in I get in the middle automatically. Well I think it's safe to say im in the bermuda triangle of dating and its not fun nor im getting anywhere.


Brings me to this point. There is a girl I like. Now this girl got out of a relationship of 5 years with a guy who cheated on her 6-7 times with different girls. She took him back up until the last time. She moved out. (Okay I know what you are thinking low self esteem I can work with that) Well I have known her for 4-5 years. She is a bartender and I work there sometimes myself as a mc at this nightclub (Okay its not good to pick up girls at a bar Yes and NO! Lots of girls go there and some are sluts other don't care for men in bars and others want to find a man but thats another topic) Well I get along with this girl good. I try to stay out of the friend zone. I bust her balls I don't hang at her bar all night infact I mingle and rarly say goodbye when im leaving. (example of me being playfull. While she is working I would leave her notes on a napkin like your hot when the club wasen't packed at the begining and she would laugh and be flatter then I would take a bunch of straws while her back was turned and throw them at her and turn and look the toher way like I was innocent. She would playfully slap me.) There is alot of things too much to type but one night we went to this after hours party and I was drunk and she drove and I told her how I felt. Nothing really bad but I wanted to give her a heads up and not assume the position.


A few things of vibes I get. First I think she is interested but I think I have to be patient and show no signs of needyness. Like last week she told me she was going on vacation and she said don't worry im going with my girlfriends. I didn't even say anything about who you are going with. She hardly charges me for drinks. I always try to be playful. Like yesterday I was at the club with my friend for an hour and she comes walking in before her shift and I say you again but in a playful tone and she comes up and starts choking me playfully. So you see these are some of the things that go on. My problem is I don't want to have another 2 week thing or not get anywhere at all. I think it all comes down to being patient not changing the formula. (Of course there is other guys that like her. One for instance she was complaing to her friends as I was hanging out with them for a bit about this one guy who keeps bothering her to go out and she has to give him all sorts of excuses. Well I actually heard bits and pieces and I said fine I won't ask you out ever again playfully she quickly said no not you with a laugh. My point is with this longgggggg thread what does everybody think. Im doing okay? im not doing okay? what about this 2 week thing is it going to haunt me for the rest of my life? Oh if I misspelled anything im just too lazy to read over what I wrote actually more tired than lazy.

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She's a red flag. I wouldn't be surprised to see her back with her ex once he calls her. Move on and find a girl that deserves you.


In my case, I met her, she told me she is never going to get back with her boyfriend and that she kicked him out. Three months later I find out she was married to him all along and that they're back together. She is also shy and has low self esteem like your girl. So I've learned my lesson.

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