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what do i do

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theres a girl in life. we met a couple years back, but we have recently started to get close. we call each other every night and we hang out almost everyday. the other night, she said, "i love you" wen we departed. i said it back because i feel that way about her. but, now im confused. i want to be more than friends but she still mentions me as a "friend" to others. she means a lot to me and i feel like it will all go down the drain if i make a move. what do i do?

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You will never know unless you take that first step into letting her know how you truly feel. It's true that sometimes the fine line between "friend" and "more than a friend" can get fuzzy. But relationships are dynamic-meaning, they can change and evolve over time. You have to express your desire to be more than friends because it's the only way you will know for sure. There are no guarantees of course, but, at least you gave it your best shot. Good luck to you!

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Take it careful and dont just blurt it all out, because if you have read it wrong and she meant it as just friends itl put a sour turn into the relationship. But dont use that as an excuse to not do it!


Take a small risk and it could pay off big time and if she is a good friend it shouldnt cause any akwardness either.


Good Luck!

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