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Am i The Bad Girl?

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Well, i liked this guy in this sports event that i attend, basketball. But he flirted with the other girls and just eyed me, so i felt since they all liked him, they would have a chance.

Then since we're in the same school, one of my best friends started to like him, and yes she did kno i liked him, but i just let it go and didnt say anything else and so she was trying to get with him. I admit i felt alil jealous, cuz i did see him first, but usually if one of my friends likes a guy, i back off.

So, now he got my e-mail and started talkin to me, on msn, and my friend hardly talks to him on msn and she had his e-mail long before me, and she told me to add him as well. But then she kinda changed her mind after i had added him.

So now he told me he likes me and would like to kno sometime we could hangout and maybe even date. Well, she was upset when she found out this, and iam stuck in the middle not knowing what to do because i like him yes, but i feel that i dont want to like him because she does.

I really dont know what to do. I feel i should have told her before when she started talkin to him once in a while that i still had feelings for him, tho i never said i was over him.

And she had a boyfriend anyways and they keep going off and on, but she says she was going to this guy so she can forget about her ex boyfriend.

I already had a chat with the guy and i almost ran away, and he told me not too, and that he doesnt want my friend, and he wants us to get to know eachother better.

The thing is sometimes i feel maybe he likes her, i dont kno why, maybe cuz she saw him in one of her classes and they talked. Also, that he told her to go to a party with him and that he was mad cause she didnt see his game. But did he mean it? Or was it a joke? Or what?

And i dont even know what iam supposed to do, because i dont want my friend thinking i stole her guy, and i dont want to hurt him. And hes begged me not to call it off because of her.

Anyways, please tell me your opinions, thanks.

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As near as I can tell from your post, he's not her guy...she has another guy that she's stringing along on and off.


SHE didn't have any problems going after this guy when she knew that you liked him, even though she had a boyfriend anyway. There's no reason for you to back off because she and this guy are NOT seeing each other. Just because she likes him doesn't mean he likes her. There's no reason for you to be a doormat and back away all the time...it sounds like you're afraid of going after what you want.


YOU need to give this guy a chance.

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