kayla748 Posted July 18, 2006 Share Posted July 18, 2006 I don't know how many of you people on here are accepting of bisexuality, but I was wondering if anyone here could possibly help me a little. I'm a girl, and I have fallen in love with one of my closest friends (another female), and I think she may feel the same way, but I am so unsure, it is crazy. I have not known her all that long, only 2 years, and we have developed a close friendship. Some of the things she does are so strange, and she seems to only do these things with me. She flirts extensively with me (I know it is common between us girls, but I don't know...), ya know, she gives the wide smiles, holds eye contact with me a few seconds longer, laughs boisterously (she hyperventilates), she "accidentally" touches me frequently (our fleeting touches tend to linger as well), she seems to always be next to me ( our group can be walking down the road and BOOM! There she is, smack dab next to me), when outside of school, if the group is going somewhere, she'll dress quite differently (as if to draw attention to herself), she always asks me how she looks, her face always seems to be red when I'm around her, and she is always saying to me "I love you Kayla" but she doesn't seem to say those 3 words to anyone else (she has not let me hear it at least). She had a bf earlier this year, and was actually kind of happy when they broke up...that was also nice for me because I didn't think he was treating her right, but I had to suck it up. I told her how I felt about her 3 weeks ago today, and she has not really talked to me since then (she is really busy, but THAT busy?), and I don't know what to think anymore. I really want to stil be her friend like she said we could, but I also want that something more, you know? I think about her from the time I get up until I go back to bed (I even dream about her)....I just can't seem to escape her memory, and I'm going bonkers trying to figure out what this all is. Can anyone help? these signs just sound like more than friendship to me. Link to post Share on other sites
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