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I have been seeing this guy for 5 months. 3 months ago he decided he only wanted to be friends. This was extremely hard for me to grasp, still quite hard. ALthough we did continue to see eachother and be intimate, things have never been the same as they were the first two months. A lot of this has to do with the fact that a couple of months ago I told him how I felt, how much I cared about him, that I believe he felt too comfortable. I am still to this day attached to the guy. Here is the problem, I have had this friend for 4 years, she is a nympho, sex rules her life and she is very permisscuous. She has never really met this guy that I was seeing, just saw him once and told me she thought he was gorgeous. Now she knows how strongly I feel about him, I have cried to her many a times, and she has assured me that he would come around, now just recently she has been pushing me away from him and telling me things that just don't add up, not to mention she's been really weird and telling little lies. I think their fooling around, and he's also been weird. NOw I don't know how either one of them could get in touch with eachother but anything is possible. I told her of my feelings and she was just not convincing, she made me doubt her even more when I confronted her, she was not extremely insulted that I would think this, but more nervous then anything. I also confronted him, and he denied it for hours, he was so bent on me calling her, to prove that she did not have anything with him, and they both tell me I'm crazy for thinking this, that I am nuts. Her storys don't add up anymore and he's completely withdrawn from me, where as he has never been before. Things just don't make sense, and she does not seem to upset, but then again if he was, why would he go out of his way to deny it, tell me that he does not want to see me hurt, therefore he wanted to clear his name. Help what should I do, am I going crazy, or is your gut feeling usually always right....OH yeah he did say he met someone at work, and my friend kept telling me, maybe he met someone else....this is just to creapy.....

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Girl. The same exact thing happened to me in June. Except it involved my best friend of 10 yrs and my boyfriend. of 4 months. I was living with my best friend and I would often find them talking in the darkened living room until 4am, or together on the porch when I woke up. Then, I went out of town for a week and he asked to stay at my house while I was gone with my friend because of work stuff (he lived about an hour away)...I said ok. Although as you are I was suspicious, I believed that neither of them would do what they ended up doing to me.


Granted, if they have no way of being in contact with each other then maybe you are being a tad wary. But as afar as i can see...this isn't a healthy relaitonship to begin with. I mean, the distance, they suspicion, the whole "let's not be as close as you want us to be" thing...he's not being respectful of you. And you are letting him use you. If he's now saying he "met someone at work," doesn't that sort of make you feel like he's making you feel suspicious? This sounds a little fishy to me...


C. :)

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