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I hate my Pregnant Wife!!!

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If you have always had issues with her then why did you get her pregnant? shouldn't you have tried to work out your problems with her first. it is very sad that you feel this way instead of feeling overjoyed with your soon to be born child.

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Wow. I have three kids and so I, obviously, know what it's like to be pregnant. I hated my husband when I was pregnant and wanted a divorce. My parents even thought we were going to get a divorce. My husband admits I wasn't his favorite person, but he understood that I was going through a lot and that my "hormones were just acting up." I used to HATE when he said that to the point I didn't want to see him another minute of my life (he and my dad would even talk about that)... then I gave birth and after a few weeks I started feeling differently about him. To make a long story short, it WAS hormones, and leaving him would have been the biggest mistake. To this day, we laugh about how we felt about each other... and we love each other more everyday. My best advice; seek counseling... you seem like you would maybe hurt her?? I'm not saying you only... she needs it as well, from what I've read. If you ever got to the point where you would want to hurt her... walk away. Let us know how this turns out...

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Thank you all for taking the time to respond. James, wow, really nice how you took the time to see the past posts and you seem to be a very insightful person, thank you. HeyYouGuys, thanks.

Hate is a strong word but the only one I could think of at the time that said out load how I was feeling inside. My Wife's sexual apetite came back, she was just going through a lot of morning sickness issues that lasted about 3 months.


I'm sorry I'm at work on a public internet terminal and need to get back to my office, but I will be back.


I hope you do come back and explain more of this. Have you done a complete turn around? You dis your wife big time, then all of a sudden when you come back you brush it off as, it was her "morning sickness is why she lost her sexual appeitite." And while that may be so, I was thinking you all had problems and you were not quite fond of her before she ever got preganat. At any rate, lots of things needs to be delt with, becasue even though you may have been mad or frustrated because she was sick, I doubt thats the whole problem. Maybe when you are able to come back, you can explain better.

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Thank you all.


WWIS, yeah it's nice to be able to vent. Dealing with, talking about things with her would be the best thing to do but I'm sick of going in circles.

For those that don't understand why I would marry and start a family with a crazy person, I guess it's a little bit of optimism and stupidity don't know the percertages of each but I hope more optimism that me just beign stupid.

I feel like one of those batered wifes that keep making excusses and hoping for change. Magnifying the good times and blurring out the bads in retrospect.


NO WORRIES... I'm not hurting anyone, at least not physically. I will toung lash the hell out of a BOOTCH if I have to but no beat downs.


Anonymous, I love to hear stories told from the womans perspective about their psyco behavior durring pregnancy and PMS. I have gotten a lot of those responces from a bunch of women I've talked to here at work and a few family members. It doesn't help much having to deal withbit when it happens but it does help me recover faster. I help ingoring her helps although I have to do it without her knowing I'm doing it.

You are so right, my wife also hated it when I point out the psyco behavior or diagnose it's cause(s). The fault is usually somehow mine at first then when the hormones start balancing out there is a moment of clarity where you can tell she saw her craziness and started to try to calm down.


A health activity, hobby that takes me away from the problem or helps me let off some steam elsewhere is not a bad idea.


I need a vacation.

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Hey. No offense, but I've read many of your previous posts on here and she has gone nuts way too many times before even getting pregnant so I wouldn't attribute her insanity just to hormones. She needs MENTAL help and you seem to have married her and are dealing with this abuse because of her good looks. You can't live with someone's face. Next time she beats you up, have fun!

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YIKES, Galaxy!!!

Harsh but so true. I wanted a project chick, a girl from the hood not a fixer upper. j/k :lmao:


Thanks for taking the time to read up on the insanity. I feel like I'm the one going nuts sometime.


Yeah, hormones are obviously not the main issue with this girl, but like any crazy person you can't get them to seek help unless they want to.


It's tuff when you fall in love with a psyco.


For your information I didn't just marry her for her face, she also has a great ass. :D

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I'm still here, my work had us blocked for a minute that's all.

I had to go to the public internet to do my "non-work related" internet stuff, along with the rest of the company.


Yeah, I am an ass sometimes. I, like anyone has my good and bad days but no more than my woman or women in general can be and are b-tches sometimes. It's a whole circle of life thing.


Let he or she without issues cast the first stone.




I'm waiting!!!




James M, I wouldn't change my name, people are finally getting it.


amandaharsh444 "Having bad KARMA" and or "going to hell" is not as bad as you would think. It's liberating knowing you have nothing to loose.

I already have a place in hell waiting for me so I'm on a free ride.

Besides being a "KARMA" enforcer and so empleyee of the system itself makes me exempt from the whole process. I have diplomatic immunity.

Thanks for the concern though.


Things actually got better and then worse and then better and then worse again and then...... Well, you get the point.


I've been taking it all in styde.


Lucky for me I got my GIXER (Suzuki gsx-R 600) back and have been riding more lately.


Get this, so I'm trying to be a considerate mate.

I wait until my woman is in the mood for sex. I stopped bugging whenever I have a need to be met and just patiently wait, right.

She still gets her, multiple times a day massages. I do all the cooking. I clean the house while she's out shopping or getting her nails done so that she doesn't have to breath in chemicals or vacum dust. I don't bug her when she's out with her girl friend all day, I don't text, call, nothing.

etc, etc.


But do I get any credit? That's a big HELL NO!!!


Just last night I get the, "you never want me anymore!" crap.

NO!!! I actually think my Wife looks hot.


Could it be that I'm tired late at night when you finally decided to give me some when I've been wanting you all day or that I'm just not too gung ho about the "MISSIONARY" position AGAIN and would rather play my new video game or could it be that I already took care of my self because I didn't get the memo telling me this day would be the day I actually "MIGHT" get some.


I actually do love my pregnant Wife, but she is streight up crazy right now.

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I don't blame you. When I was pregnant I once wept hysterically because of a roast beef sandwich - long story, pretty lame, you get the picture tho. Pregnant women can be very insane.

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