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Just cant do it

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There is this girl i like at work and i think she likes me too. I like her more than i have evere liked anyone before. Unfortunately i am cursed by shyness. Everyday i go to work and have to watch as she flirts with me, pays me more attention than anyone else, holds my gaze after conversations, waves at me and tells me lots of things about her life outside of work and things she likes to do. However i just cant bring myself to do anything about it. The words get stuck on the tip of my tounge every time. How can i get through this?

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Why are you scared to ask her out if you can tell she likes you? I've recently been in this situation only I was the girl. Either go ahead and ask her to go somewhere with you or flirt more. If you flirt she will know you are interested and maybe she'll ask YOU out. You never know. If you don't do something she might meet someone else and you'll miss your chance. Just think about that. Good luck, I know how hard it is. The guy I liked has met someone else at work and now they are going out. See, I missed my chance, don't miss yours!

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You only have a small window of time before someone else asks her out or her attention is redirected to a new crush. You have to 'get while the gettin' is good' man! If you're worried about whether she is a friend or interested try to invite her to a neutral setting to start--with a group of friends from work for a drink, to a movie she mentions she wants to see real bad or for some really cool 'something' that may be happening in a city on a weekend that you want to do ("but know your friends will not be interested"). Dude, there are so many ways and your window of opportunity is passing you by. Give it a shot--if it works, great! If not, oh well--at least next time will be easier.

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