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My friend is dumb

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I had a 2 years friendship with a guy who I won't say he is dumb but he will have say lot of garbage by the time he opens his mouths. When someone wants to help something to him (i.e: he will be able to avoid such idiotic comments) then he always does says :


" You are so full of bulls*** psychobabble and bad grammar its a wonder you made it through one of your painfully boring pop culture psychology classes of the paralyzingly stupid. Listen, kid, you also need to get a damn life and stop watching "Oprah" for his/her psyche advice. Bit of help for his/her, Watching oprah doesn't make his/her ****ing intelligent! nuff said"


or " i.e the soical voodoo of human nature (P.S: I have taken psychology classes--there's no money in it and psychology doesn't completely explain human nature)"


How come does he have this kind of behavior??

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YOU ASK: "How come does he have this kind of behavior??"


I think it has a lot to do with which team wins the Superbowl but I may be wrong.


And please don't bad mouth Oprah. She's a nice lady and almost everything I know I learned from watching her program...and Jerry Springer's.

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