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smile;i'll do the stripping

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some of you may have read my other post.




since i didn't get a whole lot of feedback, i'm taking my own route.


i am going to do my own striptease and submit it to one of those free video viewing sites. i am not going to tell him, but i am going to make sure he finds out somehow.


if he gets mad, then i know he's a big old hypocrite, because 1. he can't get mad at me for not telling him, and 2. it's "just looking", so it doesn't mean anything if it other guys check out my body and try to picture me naked and having sex with me, right?:bunny:


yes, for those of you wondering, i am reconsidering marriage until furthur notice. i want to see where this all goes.


what do you guys think?


I think you should put me on list when you submit it! Whohooo! awhooooga!

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You can't be serious.


Are things like this in your nature?? Maybe that's what made him look to other women in the first place.


If not, you are just stooping to his level. And that, in meaning he will no longer put you on a pedestal or respect you. Plus, the attention will no longer be on what "he" did wrong.. he will continually put the blame on you as well.


How you can equate this revenge to what he did is beyond me as well. He wasn't sending naked pics of himself, merely looking at what was sent to him on the internet. You want to lower yourself so that he views you just like he views other "whores".. well go ahead, but he might not respect you enough to marry you.


What you are considering to do is FAR worse than looking at porn imo. You are putting yourself out there for other men and it will be a constant pissing contest from here on out with who can HURT eachother more. It is childish and will ultimately result in its demise.


all these things you say about he feels, how he'll feel, how i feel, and what might happen have been addressed by me already. in the interest of not repeating myself, please read my other posts.

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I think you should put me on list when you submit it! Whohooo! awhooooga!


i think you are absolutely hilarious. :)

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hey i'm megnog.. too lazy to sign in.

but i was wondering what the status was and if you have told him/posted it yet. just wondering how he'll react is all

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*shrug* you dont like him looking at porn/girls online. Those girls are whores.



Your solution? if you cant beat em, join em! Brilliant.


I have a request: Please do not reproduce.

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*shrug* you dont like him looking at porn/girls online. Those girls are whores.



Your solution? if you cant beat em, join em! Brilliant.



i don't see anything wrong with it. seems pretty equal to me.:)


and megnog, i'll let you know. i'm trying to let it simmer before i do anything drastic. and tanbark, you make me laugh.

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You seem so sure about what you want to do, but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!


If your BF does not break up with you after you become an internet slut, I will be totally amazed. I have really enjoyed porn in the past, but I can assure you I would never want a porn girl as my GF or certainly would never even consider marrying one. So many other posters have made this point and you still don't get it.


Im going to generalise, but guys usually put girls into 2 categories; girls that are good for a ****, and girls that are worth marrying. You are about to cross sides....


I suggest you sort out HIS problem with the porn in a more conventional manner.

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I read this once before when you first posted it and now that I think about it I think that you have a great idea here... in fact something I think would work as you hope it does... however I don't have the guts to do something like this and I would be scared to death of it backfiring!


I think that you are right in the fact that if he gets mad at you for what you did (if you do go post this video) then he is a hipocrit and you shouldn't be with him.


I have recently been in a similar situation with my bf and I and glad to say that I decided not to retaliate and now I am much better off because he is the one that is sorry and regreting what he did, not me!


Good luck with whatever you decide to do! Do let us know what happens!

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If your BF does not break up with you after you become an internet slut, I will be totally amazed. I have really enjoyed porn in the past, but I can assure you I would never want a porn girl as my GF or certainly would never even consider marrying one. So many other posters have made this point and you still don't get it.


Im going to generalise, but guys usually put girls into 2 categories; girls that are good for a ****, and girls that are worth marrying. You are about to cross sides....



i've gotten everyone's point, i never said i don't get it. i do get it. i don't have to like it.

maybe i am one of those girls who doesn't accept that guys have girls they want to **** and girls they want to marry. maybe i want to be both.

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I read this once before when you first posted it and now that I think about it I think that you have a great idea here... in fact something I think would work as you hope it does... however I don't have the guts to do something like this and I would be scared to death of it backfiring!


I think that you are right in the fact that if he gets mad at you for what you did (if you do go post this video) then he is a hipocrit and you shouldn't be with him.


I have recently been in a similar situation with my bf and I and glad to say that I decided not to retaliate and now I am much better off because he is the one that is sorry and regreting what he did, not me!


Good luck with whatever you decide to do! Do let us know what happens!


thanks, beach.


my point is that we all do things other people don't like. he did something i don't like, and lied about it. i want him to see what it feels like as well. if he gets pissed, i don't want to be with someone who can only see things his way, and that i am just supposed to sit here and say "you're a guy, so you can do whatever you want." if he doesn't get pissed, he may understand why i did what i did, and see things from my perspective, if only even a little bit.

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yeah, you're right. he might not get annoyed at all.


since he likes porn so much, he might be thrilled at having a girlfriend who does this sort of thing. he might get a real kick out of loads of men seeing you. he might ask you to do other stuff on film so you can post that on the 'net too.


you could even make some cash out of it!

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And when you have kids someday they can stumble across mommy doing internet porn! YAY!

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and if we have kids some day, maybe they can see all the crap that daddy looks at on the internet that isn't mommy! yay for that, too!

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