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Hi what the hell was this...?? the short story, thanks

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well we worked together, slept together once long time ago, always cool at work but i always tried to avoid him or push him away cuz i was trying to keep my job, and didnt want him to interfere, well i really do and did like him i just wanted to talk and flirt outside of work, well now i got fired over grievance policies, and i wish hed stop by or something, he was just a crush just a thing, but i just wish hed come over here i probably ****ed it all up , it was some real good chemistry we had though, you know, the rare kind, if he felt it too wouldnt he come over here?? sorry if i am speaking in half sentences its been a long couple weeks these forums are cool, anyway,

if anyone wants to say something to this, thanks, and if not it was still good to vent, i feel so ****ing blaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhk what the ****???

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you see just really sux that i ignored my personal urges for the job, now its gone and i dont know if he is too, oops too much cussing i guess, is he f'n gone too now what the hell just happened, it is annoying how that work thing really screws thing up. :love:

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i got fired over a death in the family, they wouldnt give me a day off, i overslept due to being in grievence and all and they claimed i was a no call no show, thats the short, i think i got fired cuz of other personal reasons my supervisor couldnt use, so when i told her the bad news she set me up for failure, anyways so thats pretty much how i got fired.

please help i will try and help you if you need any words too!!

i just wonder if i am crazy cuz i think about this guy, i figured since i wasnt at work and didnt have to see him everyday it would go away, it hasnt. well thanks its been a rough month, thanks

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o and it was a sign shop, i prob worked on a sign near you, ya that made the work there strange too cuz i was the only chic in the shop, i think my supervisor wanted me not to work so closely with her daughters boyfriend.

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at a sign shop, i found your post so i could return the favor like i mentioned above;)

ya i was the only chic in the shop and there was a lot of strange things cuz of that, i am cool with scratching my balls and cussing, but other weird **** and the politics at this place are INSANE and TWISTED o my gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you so much for your reply.. It has been a crazy month for my also, but it only takes time to heal and move on.


So with your job, is this boy you have a crush on the bosses girlfriends daughter? B/c if so that is prob.def. why she fired you.


And your upset b/c this boy hasnt called or tired to get in contact with you since you got fired? How serious was the reliship between you too? Have u talked outside of work, or anything eles. I Think i remebr in your post you said you selpt with him once.. lemme just check real quick.. lol

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well we worked together, slept together once long time ago, always cool at work but i always tried to avoid him or push him away cuz i was trying to keep my job, and didnt want him to interfere, well i really do and did like him i just wanted to talk and flirt outside of work, well now i got fired over grievance policies, and i wish hed stop by or something, he was just a crush just a thing, but i just wish hed come over here i probably ****ed it all up , it was some real good chemistry we had though, you know, the rare kind, if he felt it too wouldnt he come over here?? sorry if i am speaking in half sentences its been a long couple weeks these forums are cool, anyway,

if anyone wants to say something to this, thanks, and if not it was still good to vent, i feel so ****ing blaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhk what the ****???



aight, i thought soo.. so anyway...

How long has it been since you havent talked to him. And what was the last convo with you to so i can try to see what vibe he took and maybe you sent.

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aw ya thank you. no i just worked and was close friends with my bosses daughters boyfriend/new father of boss's grandson. ya and other **** but nevermind that the beau...

last couple weeks we conversated was crazy, but the last time we spoke to keep it short was sumthin like this...

me'where are you going for lunch' (this was about 2 or so weeks ago last day i worked , last conversation)


me-'can i ride'

'aw dudes comin with me'


'wait wait just wait maybe he wont come'


then i asked what there converstaion said and i said oh ya he'll be coming then i will just drive its cool ya know and he was just all its ok wait wait you can come with me,

then we talked til his friend came out, and i went and met them at mcd's and they b.s.ed with me and stuff that was it.

did you follow that? oh yeah i asked him'

so Are we cool enough to ride together yet?'

and then that other stuff.

cuz we just kinda made up recently, ****. ****. and what sux is that i feel insane cuz i cant quit thinking bout him and i want to cuz he isnt here, i am addicted to this ****ing loveshack, and i am so ****ing happy that you wrote me back!!!!!! but its b.s. you know, i posted a question to the guys asking how long it takes them to go ask a girl out!!!!!! cuz if i know that maybe then i could forget him, it just sux its ****ing CRAZY and you know, but thank you, i am going to go check out your situation now. hopefully in the morning i wont care anymore i'll be back on by tomorrow night, peace out! thanks!)

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& there was no relationship and i would try and talk to him outside of work but he would only come tell me **** at work, like even come and make up with me and try asking for a hug and ****, but nothing happened outside work but that once, and we hung out outside work a few times, so no relationship really , just a bunch of weirdness, i dont know it sux, i just wish he would come say hi and like keep in touch, see where things might go, he knows where i live and i am pretty sure he has my number, its been 2 weeks since i was fired but 2 1/2 weeks since lunch, we talked

see before it didnt bother me cuz my ma just passed a way and i figured hed give me space before he came over but now would be cool i just wonder if he will come over or if i need to pray harder that i wake up and forget him, i dont know, thanks

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Your welcome hun, i understand what your going threw and it really sucks b/c your stuck thinking bout him, wondering if hes doing the same.

I have to suggests... Either you call him or try to get in contact with him some how and just tlak to him and see if he wants to hang out or just try to tlak to him and see what kind of vibe he sends out to you. If its bad then you no you tired to make things happend, and then you dont have to worry about having to see him anymore since you dont work with him and u wont be immbarrsed or things will work out and now you got what you wanted and waited for.

Mabye hes thinking that you just got fired and he hasent seen you or talked to you and hes confused on calling you or trying to talk to you since both ur reliship has been based on seeing eachother on work. Now that your not a work, you dont talk.. so maybe u should try to break the ice and give him a call.

Or if your as stubborn as me, try your best to forget about him. Its a hard crush, but its cant last forever.. right? Just try going out and keeping your self buzy or meeting new people. Try to get another job, and after a while that will keep your self from thinking bout him all the time, and then hopfully he will slowly drift away...

Hopfully that helps you out alot! Have a good nite and get some rest! talk to you somtime tom.

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thank you so so much!

but i am as stubborn as you ****, ok well will try and stay busy then i guess, i cant call him i just cant. ****. o well then. ok thanks again

ya you are exactly right, i do just wonder if he's thinking of me. ok good night.

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Hmm....I think you should give him a call....just once. One chance is all he gets. Why? Welll...it sounds like you were the one pushing him away. Give him a chance to know you. See what happens. What could one call hurt anyway? You dont' work with him anymore so if it doesn't work out it's not like you have to see him every day....


Hope things work out for you.

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ok i will consider calling, you are exactly right. thanks so much i wish the best to you too.

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well **** i called him and left a message apparently around the same time a 'friend ' of mine went to work and talked to him and told him why dont you get with sara she totally f'n loves you dude!!! sabatoged, and i just lost my ma and my job i am really not good right now.

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